Chapter 7

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Instead of performing her sarcastic bow like earlier, Goliah took a step back, threw her closed fist across her chest and bowed to the Wizard and the dwarves behind him. "My name is Goliah." She straightened up, "I am the General of these good men."

Ori popped around Dori's uptight form, "So, you aren't thieves?" Dori pushed Ori back behind him with a scowl.

Goliah shook her head with a chuckle, "Only when we need to be." She looked around her at her soldiers with a fond look, "We've taken up the duty to be the local's protectors. These lands are full of smaller villages and farms that constantly under threat from local gangs and orcs for ransacking. Many of us-" she gestured to her men, "have been on the receiving end of such violence."

She turned to their company with a lifted eyebrow, "I must apologize for mistaking you lot for a group of troublemakers. One can never be too careful. The last time we came across a group of traveling Dwarves, they weren't the kindest."

Thorin whispered to Dwalin, "Kind of what happens when you show up with weapons pointed at dwarves." Dwalin let a smirk take his glare's place, but his smirk faltered when he caught his older brother's side eye glare.

"Also," She turned to stare at Gandalf, "It wouldn't be the first time a Maiar had... questionable intentions."

Gandalf huffed exasperatedly, but gave an understanding nod.

Goliah clasped her hands together loudly, "Well! I don't know about you lot, but my men and I could go for some supper." She turned to Gandalf and the dwarves behind him, "I would be honored to welcome you all into our homes tonight and prepare a feast for my friend's return."

The dwarves looked to be in turmoil with themselves, they didn't trust them but they were hungry. They turned to each other quickly, whispering amongst themselves about the proper course of action.

Once they all reached a decision, Bofur broke away from the group with a merry smile and a skip to his step, "I suppose you will be supplying the drinks as well, lassie?"

Goliah chuckled, "All the rum and mead your hearts desire."

Bofur cheered, "It's settled then. COME ON, LADS!" He stepped around the women, quickly gathered his things, and followed the men that had begun to leave the clearing.

Many of the dwarves followed after them, quickly grabbing their things and filtering out of the clearing, leading their ponies behind them.

The women watched them go, "Interesting crowd you run with nowadays, Rae." Goliah teased Raewynn.

"You have no idea." Raewynn said with a fond smile. She turned back to Goliah, "It's been a while since I've been called by that. It's nice to hear it again."

Goliah's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she gave Rae a soft smile, "It means you've been away from home for too long."

Rae looked away from Goliah's knowing eyes, "I was in Rivendell not too long ago actually." She said.

Goliah clasped the shorter woman on the shoulder, "That is not the home I speak of." Goliah's eyes followed the dwarves as they eventually disappeared behind the tree line. She linked her arm through Raewynn's, and they began their trek through the woods after them.

Raewynn then turned around and whistled, drawing Norethun's attention to her. She flicked her head forward, and he followed after her loyally.

"Now, don't be greedy and be sure to share your stories of just how you of all people got swept into some grand adventure with 13 dwarves and a Wizard." Goliah said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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