Chapter 3

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The door opened, and warm light filled her vision, as did a short, stout figure. A curly-haired fellow -no taller than her mid-section- stood in front of her with his large feet covered in hair, dressed in a handsome evening robe. It was a Hobbit. And by the looks of his fine robe, good form, and handsome face, he was a well-mannered and respected Hobbit too.

Raewynn couldn't help but notice the frown on his handsome face, frustration etched into his expression. She was confused, 'He knows we were coming...right?'

Bilbo must have noticed her confusion and he realized he looked a mess, not helping the scenario. He quickly re-tied his robe and straightened his face into a well-practiced smile. Before he could speak, Raewynn remembered her manners.

She bowed at the waist towards the little Hobbit, "Raewynn, at your service."

The hobbit, thoroughly confused about where the night was going, bowed back uncertainly, "Bilbo Baggins, at... yours?"

Raewynn did not reply as she untied her cloak and pulled it off her shoulders. Her curly blonde hair trickled down her shoulders, her markings glowed in the warm light, and her leather and metal armor shined. "I've heard good things about you, Master Baggins." She was sure to add a gentle smile at the end of her introduction to hopefully not frighten the hobbit any more than he seemed to be.

Bilbo opened his mouth to say something but snapped it closed when something crashed in his house, the shattering sound of pottery unmistakable.

Raewynn thought it humorous when a flash of anger entered the proper Hobbit's eyes, but he kept it down and kept to his manners, lest his reputation come undone. "Do come in, my Lady." He stepped back from the door, making room for her larger form to enter.

She ducked into the Hobbit's home, noting the hearth's warm environment. 'They really do have all the comforts of home' Raewynn thought mystically, she had never been inside of a Hobbit home before, but she knew the rumors. She was very pleased to find them true.

Her attention was called back to the frustrated Hobbit at her side as he shut the door behind her. She maneuvered herself against the wall, trying to be careful not to get in his way and be polite to their host.

The hobbit took a step away from her farther into the home, before stopping and turning back towards her with a rushed bow, "Please excuse me." And he turned around and rushed back towards, what Raewynn guessed, was the kitchen.

The little fellow muttered silent curses under his breath as he stomped. Raewynn's mouth turned upward, humor creeping into her system as she watched the tiny being march angrily about the home. 'Are all Hobbits this sassy? I must visit the Shire more.'

Two other deep male voices carried through the home, as well as Bilbo's frustrated voice, "Please put that back!" he exclaimed.

Curiosity gripped Raewynn and she followed the path the Hobbit had taken out of the welcome room. She walked through another circular arch into a room with a fireplace and armchairs positioned around the room. Her attention was caught by two portraits hanging above the fireplace, a female and a male hobbit. She assumed these people were his parents. She studied the room more and noticed little plants positioned by the windows, adding an earthy and natural feel to the room.

A bell sounded throughout the home again. Bilbo scurried past Raewynn back towards the door, muttering as he went, and opened the door. He was greeted by the sight of two more dwarves. Bilbo whimpered, slight panic setting in.

Raewynn peaked her head out from around the corner to watch the scene unfold. She studied the two dwarves: one was blonde, and the other brunette. She noted the lack of extravagant facial hair on the brunette dwarf, and she wondered how young he was.

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