Chapter 2

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Morning came the next day, its bright rays shining through the darkness once more. The light found its way to Raewynn's sleeping form, slipping between the boards of the window shutters.

Raeywnn awoke to the sun glaring at her, and she sat up in bed. The sheets fell from her naked form, the cool air hitting her skin and bringing her back to the real world.

"I've got a lot to do today."

She gathered her bag in the corner, stripped the bed of its sheets, and walked down to the tavern below the inn where she stayed the night.

As she broke her fast, she reaffirmed her course of action for the day. She was going to journey with the Dwarves and Wizard to reclaim Arebor. The damned dragon had taken a kingdom that did not belong to him, and she did not enjoy bullies. It was time for her to reacquaint herself with Durin's line, as she still had a promise to fulfill. She knew she had let Durin down when she did not seek out the Dwarves after the attack of Smaug.

She slammed her drink down, and a loud thud sounded. Her eyes narrowed in determination. "I will not make that mistake again, my friend. I will help your people once more," she muttered.

She marched out of the tavern with her head held high and her mind firm on her choice of course.

She came upon the stables, and she came upon a sight that made her smile and frown at the same time. Luke was asleep in a pile of hay by the stables that were clean and freshly shoveled. 'He must have been here all night.'

She went to the stable that held her beloved companion. When she opened the door to his stall, his head bobbed up from his sleeping position. His grey eyes found his owner and he snorted, nodding his head in approval, and walked to greet her.

She smiled and held out her hand towards him, and chuckled when he nudged aside her hand and pushed his head towards her pockets.

She kept her voice low, hoping to not wake the boy outside. "Are you looking for something, Norethun?" she asked her horse sarcastically. The horse nudged her harder before bobbing his head up and down repeatedly.

She put her hands on her hips, "While Luke might have spoiled you, I will not. You put weight on too easily, you mule."

Narethun did not like that answer. His ears pinned to the back of his head and he snorted into her face. When he went to nip her in a not-so-kind way, she popped his nose. The horse's attitude submitted, and Norethun turned his hurt, puppy eyes to his owner.

Raewynn's hands flew to her hips, and she scoffed, "Honestly! Don't you give me those eyes! I swear, you have me doubt the fact that you are a Mearas more times than I care to admit with that 'Goof around and find out' attitude of yours!" Norethun grumbled in reply, shaking his head at her.

She opened the stall door and walked out. Norethun loyally trotted after her. He was of the Mearas breed, so he certainly understood her words. She knew he also did not care for reins or saddles, except for times of business when he had to pull a cart. Still, Rewynn never bothered with reins, halters, or other means of control for horses. He always followed her loyally.

She led her companion outside and tacked him up with the cart. She patted his neck before disappearing once more. She appeared by Luke's form and gently shook him.

The boy woke with a startle, already spewing apologies. "I- I'm sorry! It was just a doze I sw- oh! Hello, Miss!" he finished with a bright smile once he realized who stood in front of him.

"Hello, Luke." She replied. The boy was surprised by the woman speaking, he assumed that she was mute but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

"How can I help you, Miss?"

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