Chapter 6

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Thorin's voice rang through the forest, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! READY YOURSELVES!"

The dwarves immediately sprung into action, each grabbing their respective weapons and forming a tight circle. Bilbo looked around wildly, and picked up a sturdy rock as his weapon before Bofur snagged his collar and pulled him into the circle.

A ways into the forest, Raewynn, Fili, and Kili were happily talking amongst themselves as they carried several rabbits back to camp. As they talked, they didn't pay much attention to their environment... until Raewynn noticed something strange.

'It's quiet...' She thought. 'Where are the birds? Or the crickets?' The only noise in the forest was the sound of the wind shifting trough the trees. Her blood began to turn cold and a shiver ran un her spine. She stopped in her tracks. Something was wrong.

Fili and Kili turned in confusion to her, "Raewynn? Is something the matter? What's-" Raewynn shushed them, "SHHH!" and she listened to the forest. She stood there for several seconds... listening for anything that was out of the ordinary.

And then She heard it: shouting from the camp. That wasn't something she'd normally fret over with the company being dwarves, but she knew something was wrong. The forest sensed danger, and she listened.

Raewynn turned to Fili and Kili, the soldier in her ready to command and fight. "Something's going on back at camp, we need to hurry. Have either of you two ridden a horse?"

Fili and Kili's faces dropped at her random question, "Umm, what? How is that-" Raewynn interrupted, "Answer the question!"

Fili spoke up, frantically, "I- uh, yes! I have... granted it wasn't a good ride but I managed to not fall..."

"Great! Now, hold these." Raewynn shoved her weapons into Fili's hands, and she reached down to start taking off her shoes and shoving them into Kili's hands.

Both stood there, utterly confused. Kili spoke up, a slight blush to his face, "Erm, Raewynn... would there be a reason as to why you are ridding yourself of your clothes? In our presence?" Fili hit his arm hard, Kili grimaced and they made exaggerated hand gestures to one another until she spoke up again.

Raewynn stepped back, "It's time you both learned of my abilities. I've been told this form is similar to riding a horse, so be sure to not fall."

Kili looked around, "Hang onto wha- OH MERLIN'S BEARD!"

Raewynn's bones snapped and her body bent in unnatural ways. Her clothes seemed to melt into her skin and be replaced with brown & white fur. She fell onto all fours as her limbs stretched into long, strong legs with massive paws. Her face elongated, her skin disappearing as her skull pushed through. Her head transformed into a wolf's skull with glowing gold markings.

A powerful wolf leapt over the Princes, and they dove for cover from the beast. They watched in awe as the large wolf soared over them.

Its claws left gouges in the earth with each step, and before them stood a mythical beast. Its power was unlike any wolf or warg they had seen, and its characteristics promised a swift and powerful ally in battle.

The wolf turned to them, and the glowing golden eyes seared their souls. The wolf stood tall in all of it's glory, and Fili and Kili laid there awestricken. The wolf was easily larger than their ponies, and almost seemed to be larger than the wargs they had seen before.

Fili and Kili remained on the ground, too stunned to move. They whispered to each other, "Uncle never covered this in training..." / "Nor Dwalin... what do we do now? Do you think Raewynn is... umm... naked now?" / *POP* / "HEY! That wasn't nice!" Kili whined as he rubbed his head. "Then stop thinking with yer jambags!" Fili whispered harshly.

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