Chapter 5

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my laptop broke and I'm now writing on my iPad so their might be slow uploads and I'm in nursing school as well as high school and I also work so please bear with me!

I woke up to Tahj shaking me, I opened my eyes to see him standing with his iPad in his hands.

"Mommy can I please use the iPad?"

"Did you eat yet?"


"Did anyone help you brush your teeth?"

"yea nonno (grandpa) did"

"Yea you can"

I groaned putting the passcode in as he sat on the couch across the room. Today he was only going to get 20 minutes because I don't want him to be too attached to the internet. I looked at my phone and check the time. It was 10:48 damn I slept in long, usually I'm up early for school it was very relaxing being able to sleep in, I sat up slowly holding onto my broken rib.

"fuck.." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I grabbed my pain killers and took out two, I dry swallowed them and turn the shower water on. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes. I hopped into the shower making sure the water was hot to soothe the aches in my body. I washed my body and quickly washed my hair. It felt good being able to use hot water, wash my hair, and get this dirt off my body. I got out and changed into sweats and my hoodie. I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom, I went up to Tahj and kissed his forehead. I sat down next to him watching him play his games for a couple minutes. I got up and went down stairs. My stomach was growling so I walked to the kitchen and seen a lady in a chef outfit.

"Good morning Miss. Armando what can I get for you?"

"Good morning" I said sitting down.

"Can I just have some French toast please? But not to much I'm not that hungry, one would be good for me"

"Sure!" She said grabbing her apron.

I watched her make the French toast, I never was really a good cook anything that I made was easy like pastas, frozen dinners, eggs, and simple foods like that. When she finished she put fruit, powder sugar, and syrup on top.

"Here you go Miss. Armando" She said handing it to me.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the plate.

I started eating and it was delicious it was simple but really good. after eating about 3 bites I started getting full. I didn't want to waste the chefs time of I finished as much as I could. I got up and dumped the left overs into the trash and started hearing footsteps.

"Good Morning Principessa" Vincenzo said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning" I said looking at him.

"How did you sleep?" I said going up to the sink to wash my plate.

"Oh sweetheart I'll wash it" The chef said.

"It's okay I got it" I said giving her a sweet smile.

"I slept pretty good Principessa thank you" He said coming to me kissing my head. I washed my dish, dried it and put it away.

"Oh Principessa before i forget the boys are going to take you shopping to get somethings for school you will start next week"

"Okay great" I said walking out the kitchen

This house was huge I didn't really know my way around so I decided to start exploring to cut time. I found out we have a gaming room, a huge gym, and an indoor pool with a hot tub. I got a little lost and started walking down different hallways I opened a door and found a massive library.

"Holy Shit" I said walking in and looking around.

I walked up to the shelves and started browsing. After a couple of minutes I found an interesting book, I grabbed it off the shelf and sat down in the love seat that was in the corner of the room. I opened the book and started reading I haven't read in so long so I ended up getting lost in the book. I got about half way through the book before I checked the time.

"2:49 god damn I was reading for a while." I said closing the book and getting up.

I walked out of the library and hear yelling. I ran towards the yelling and stopped.

"What the hell do you mean you can't find her FIND HER NOW" Vincenzo said into the phone

I stepped back about to turn around.

"principessa oh mio Dio, dove diavolo sei stata?" Vincenzo said running up to me
(Princess oh my god where the hell have you been.)
He engulfed me into a tight hug
"I was in the library.. did you not see me?" I said struggling to breath from the tight hug
"No. We thought you left" he said still hugging me
"Uhh.. I-i can't b-breathe" I said tapping him
"Cazzo, scusa" Vincenzo said pulling away
(Fuck, sorry)
"Grazie" I said taking a deep breath.
(Thank you)
"Okay I have to call the boys to let them know that you're okay lunch should be ready in 10 minutes so go upstairs and clean up."
Vincenzo pulling out his phone.
"Okay" I said walking towards the stairs

I walked up the stairs and into my room shutting the door behind me. I walked to my bed and plopped down on it going on my phone. I started watching some YouTube to pass the time. I heard heavy feet running up the stairs causing me to shoot up and run into my bathroom. Thaj was downstairs with Vincenzo so I didn't have to grab him. As soon as I closed and locked the bathroom door, my room door busted open and I ran and turned on the shower water so that I didn't have to face my brothers who were probably going to do the same thing Vincenzo did. I'd rather wait on that then have them do it now.

"Chasity?" I heard someone call out but I didn't say anything.

I heard them looking around until they stopped at my bathroom door and someone knocked lightly.
"Chasity are you in there?"

"Yea I'm showering" I said backing up so they couldn't hear me so close to the door.
"Okay I just came to tell you lunch is ready"
"Okay I'll be down in a minute!" I said sitting on the toilet cover.
"Alright don't take too long"


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