When you miss me

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Your at the airport with your boyfriend Hayes. He's going on Digi Tour for 3 months. You can't go, it's unlike any other tours he's went on.

You stand, watching him get his passport. Tears dwelling in your eyes. He walks back you you. Dropping his things. "I can't wait to come home to such a beautiful face." He says, holding your face.

A tear slips down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb, "baby, I'll be home soon. I promise." You nod biting your lip. Him leaving was never easy for you since the first time you two got in an argument and he threatened to leave for good.

You look him in the eyes and say, "soon isn't soon enough". He then hugs you, slightly rocking you. "If I'm not back soon enough, I'll be back for along time to make up for it." He says, with a faint smile.

You nod, then he lets you go. He takes his things to where the luggage was being put on to the plane. Then comes back to you and kisses you on the forehead.

"I still have about 5 minutes till I board the plane." He says hugging you again. You lay your should on his head and exhale deeply.

Then the announcers voice booms through the airport, "flight 34b is now boarding, flight 34b is now boarding."

"Ugh, well never mind. I'm boarding right now." Hayes says frowning. You sigh, and let go of Hayes. "I love you" you say, and he kisses you. "I love you more" he replies.

You smile and peck his lips one last time, "I love you most" he make a face at you causing you to laugh. "Impossible." He says, the starts walking toward the plane.

two weeks later

*facetime with Hayes on your MacBook*

Hayes - "I miss you so much, baby"

Y/n - "I miss you more. You have no idea how much I hate sleeping in the bed alone with no one to cuddle with." You say frowning.

Hayes - "I actually got you something. I put it away before we went to the airport. Go look in the closet in the living room with coats and spare blankets. It's on the top shelf, in a big bag."

You cock an eyebrow at the screen. The get up taking the laptop with you. You set the MacBook on the coffee table then go to the closet Hayes said to look in.

"I don't-" a box falls from the top hitting you in the head. You hear Hayes laugh, still on FaceTime watching you search for his mystery gift. You groan before finding the large black garbage bag.

"Wow, babe. You have wonderful wrapping skills." You say laughing at the large deformed garbage bag. His laugh beams through the speakers on your MacBook.

"Why thank you, sweetheart! I knew how much you loved garbage bags, so I thought, why not just throw her gift in a garbage bag!" He says, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles.

You continue to laugh at Hayes while unwrapping your gift. You start by tearing a hole in the bag. You see light brown fur pressed up against the hole in the bag. You run your hand over the fur. It's soft and warm.

"I think I know what it is" you say, making the hole a bit larger. You hear Hayes saying 'what' behind you, from your laptop. "I think it's a..dog. An extremely large dog that loves being in garbage bags, that are in closets" Hayes bursts into a fit of laughter this time.

"No..it's not an extremely large dog that loves being in garbage bags, that are in closets," he says laughing some more, "just keep ripping the bag". You do as he says, tearing a bigger hole into the bag.

The hole was finally big enough to get the gift out. You pull out a giant, light brown teddy bear. You squeal in delight.

You've always wanted this exact bear. You had been begging Hayes for about a year after you saw one on Valentine's Day. It was about a foot taller than you. You look at the bear from head to toe. Giggling in excitement, you hug the bear.

"I'm glad you like it" Hayes says, causing you to laugh. "Like it?" You ask, running your hands along the soft, white fur, "I love it!" you squeal once more.

"You are so god damn adorable, y/n. I don't know how I got so lucky. I love you" Hayes says, causing you to look at your MacBook. You smile, he was the best.

Hayes was the best thing that has ever happened to you. He was your everything. Your sun, moon, and everything in between. You need him.

"I love you more" you say with a cheeky smile. He shakes his head. "I love you most" he say with a cheesy grin. You shake your head this time, giggling.

"Impossible" you state. Hayes scratches the back of his neck, grinning at the ground.

He looks back up at you with his light blue eyes making your heart flutter, "there's a card under the ribbon of the bear's neck. It has a letter in it. I want you to read it later, but FaceTime me when you open it. I have to go right now though, Tez and I are having a dance competition with Daniel and Alec".

You turn back to the bear, searching it's neck for the card. You find it and turn back towards your laptop. "Found the card! Okay, I'll open this later," you say shoving it in your pocket, "have fun! By the way, I hope Daniel and Alec win!" I say as Tez, Daniel, and Alec walk into the room.

He gasps and Tez looks up from his phone yelling "hey!". You laugh, while Daniel and Alec are saying "yeahh" and "we gonna win dis thang" from the side.

"Fine then, be that way. I'm glad I kept the recite to that bear" he says, you gasp at his words. "Noo, not Cali!" You yell hugging the giant bear.

Hayes falls back in laughter. You frown at him. His smile drops into a line. "Oh, your serious. The bear's name is Cali?" He says. You nod, still hugging the bear.

"Who in the hell names a bear Cali?" Tez says slinging his hands around. You grin at him, "you're just upset because I want Alec and Daniel to win".

He rolls his eyes at you then starts playing on his phone again.

You blow Hayes a kiss goodbye. He grabs it, shoves it in his pocket, and winks at you before ending the FaceTime.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now