when you miss me; part 2

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a month & 3 weeks later

You wake up cuddled into Cali, the big teddy bear Hayes gave you. You yawn, grabbing your phone from the coffee table. Yes, you fell asleep in the living room once again. You read the notifications on the lit up screen.

Hayes facetimed you: 1 minutes ago.

Hayes facetimed you:
2 minutes ago.

Hayes facetimed you: 4 minutes ago.

Hayes : Goodmorning my love <3

You groan, face palming. Hayes, Hayes, and Hayes. Always in my notifications, which isn't a bad thing, but damn. But it could be worse, way worse.

You swiped to the right on where he had facetimed you, letting the FaceTime ring. On the second ring, he picked up.

"Hey gorgeous" Hayes says in a raspy voice where he'd just woken 7 minutes before, his hands in messy hair. He smiled, closing his eyes.

"I miss you, loser" You say, he dunks into his pillow. "I know" he muffles. You switch the face time to your MacBook, sighing. "Baby, look at me" he shakes his head, You sigh again.

"Babe, pleaseee? I wanna see my handsome boyfriend" he groans and faces me. His eyes are glossy and his cheeks are red. Your heart breaks a little as you look at your love cry.

"What's wrong??" You ask, concerned. He hiccups, rubbing his face in his pillow again. "I miss my baby" he says, making your heart swell and your cheeks Crimson red.

"Hayes..you'll be home soon, we have three weeks left" you say, tearing up. Three weeks, you have been away from Hayes for 2 months and a week. Occasional facetimes and phone calls here and there.

"No, Y/n. I want to hold and kiss you here and now. I want to tell you I love you, face to face. I want to hold your hand and kiss your little fingers. I want you. Right now. With me. Because we have been apart this long, I can't stand it. I love my fans, so much. But I love you too, and I need you. Forever and always" he says. That was it. You sobbed. You miss him.

You miss your baby that you cuddle with every night, kiss on the nose to annoy him, who's hair that you play with, who has a goofy laugh, who loves you. And You love him, so much.

"Open my letter, now." He commands, whipping his eyes. You jump up, running upstairs to fetch  my letter. You come back, plopping down on Cali.

You rip the teal envelope open, pulling the folded paper. You unfold it, a velvet slip falls to the ground. You ignore it, reading the handwritten letter from Hayes.

My love,
I love you, to the moon and back. You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to me, besides my fans. You may be crying right now, or I broke down and made you read this. Either way, I miss you. Very much. When I get home I'm never letting you out my sight, or bedroom ;).
But since one of us has officially broke. I got you something to benefit the both of us. I love you, baby girl.
Your love,

You pick up the velvet slip, expecting some kind of coupon for cuddles or a "lose your virginity to Hayes Grier, expires - month/day/year". But the first things You scan over are, "plane", "ticket", "anywhere".

Tears roll down your face as you realize. Hayes got you a ticket to anywhere so you could go see him. You look back at your macbook. Hayes' eyes are red from crying, "I want you, now." He says. You smile.

"What about the events?" You say, he smiles. "Go look in the guest bathroom in the first drawer on the left". You run. This is the best thing ever, other than Hayes himself.

You make it to the bathroom, pulling the drawer open. You dig in the drawer till you find it. VIP Access necklaces to all of the shows. Ones from earlier to now. Hayes was ready, he was waiting. He knew one of us would break, he knew.

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