Not Just a Scratch

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Taty's pov

The bell finally rings, we can go home now. I walk to my locker before I start to leave. Getting my English book and my penny board. I wait till the halls are empty then set my board on the floor.

I glide all the way down the hallway, jumping off before reaching the double doors. I exit the school and run to the side walk. I put my penny board back down and begin to skate home.

I continue to skate for another 5 minutes, almost home. I look up at the sky as it starts to rain. "Crap" I exclaim, as I hit something with my board. Falling forward, I yelp. I had scrapped my knee and got a small scratch on my cheek.

I wipe my cheek as I turn back to see what had caused my fall. The sidewalk was all broken up. I should have been paying attention. I groan, grabbing my board and adjusting my backpack.

I wal- well limped the rest of the way home. I walk through the door, slamming it behind me. "Tat? Is that you?" My boyfriend's voice echoes through the house. Shit, I think.

"Yeah, babe. What are you doing here, I thought you were sick?" I say putting my things down. I limp to the living room where I find him sitting on the couch.

"Oh my god." He gasps, lifting up off the couch. "What happened? Are you okay?! Do I need to take you to the hospital?! Mrs-" I cut him off, fast.

"No, no, no! I'm fine, really! Look" I say with a crooked smile, limping toward him. Showing him I could walk. "You look like the grudge learning to walk." He says crossing his arms. I sigh.

"Hayes. I'm fine." I assure him, limping closer to him. He doesn't say anything, but when I get close enough to him he scoops me up and runs to the kitchen.

As his arm goes under my legs, I squeal in pain but quickly put my hand over my mouth. I didn't bother to look up at Hayes. I know he's already freaking out.

He sets me on the counter. Running over to the first cabinet and opening it quickly. Grabbing the first aid, he runs back to me.  I roll my eyes at him as he gets a rag and wets it with warm water.

He comes back and starts to clean up the blood from my knee. I cross my arms, not looking at him. I see him grab the little alcohol cloth packet. I cringe at the sight of it.

He takes it out and cleans my scratches. He stands back up to get the scratch on my face. I cross my arms again, tighter this time. And turn my not looking at him again.

He grabs my face and looks me directly in my hazel eyes. "I'm just trying to take care of my baby girl" he says and plants a kiss over my scratch before using the alcohol wipe. I blush,  putting some of my shoulder length, brown hair behind my ear.

"Well, you didn't have to freak out. I was fine." I say as he gets out the bandages. He puts a large one on my knee and little one on my cheek, which he kisses again.

He picks me back up off the counter, his hands under my butt giving me support. "I freaked out because I love you, Taty" he says with a smile. I smile back.

"I fell and I'm fine. I got something out of it. I got you, I love you too Hayes" I say before kissing him.

I hear my mother's saying "awe". I turn to look where her voice had come from. And there she stood, with her her resting against the wall.

My cheeks heated up.

How embarrassing.

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