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Hayes pov
(Surprise motherfucker 💥)

I laugh as I hide my camera in (y/n) and I's room. I pressed record as I walk out.

Today I'm gonna propose and its our 5 year anniversary. I decided I'm going to prank her. I'm going to tell her I cheated on her. I got everything planned.

Fifteen minutes later, I walk in and (y/n) is in her pjs typing on her MacBook, sitting in our bed.
"I have to tell you something" I choke out, acting. She looks up.

"What is it?" She says waiting for me to respond, she shuts her MacBook setting it a side. "I-i cheated on you" I say, running my hands through my hair.

Tears stream down her face. She covers her mouth and mumbles something. "What?" I say.

"I cheated on you too" she says, she is not crying alone now. I start pulling at my hair. "With who?!" I yell, "when?!".

She starts to cry some more. "When you were away on tour, I-i went to se-see Nash" she chokes out. "What!" I yell even louder. The girl I love had cheated on me with my brother. My ugly ass mother fucking brother.

"You cheated on me first" she says. My hands go to my hair again. I tug at my hair, my heart was shattered. She thinks I'd really cheat on her.

"It was a prank! It was a prank!-" i say, she cuts me off with laughing. I look at her. She's laughing when we're in a serious fucking situation.

"I know it was a prank!" she says jumping on the bed, "I watched you set up the camera from the bathroom!". She didn't cheat on me then, right? She was going a long with it, right?

"Then you didn't cheat on me?" I ask, she shakes her head no. I feel my heart put itself back together. "Oh, thank god" I say pulling her off the bed, into my arms.

"I love you so much" I say, putting her down. I get down on one knee. And pull the box of my pj pants pocket. She gasps as I open it, revealing a ring with a diamond bigger than your pupil.

"You make me so happy. Just seeing your smile, makes me smile. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I say, holding the box up toward her.

She nods rapidly and begins to cry again. I take her hand and slip the ring on her finger. "I love you so much" I say, as I stand up.

"I love you more" (y/n) says before kissing me.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now