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Paisley's pov.

"Hayes, get your ass in here." I yell, "we're doing a younow." He walks in carrying a bag of popcorn. He waves at the camera before plopping down on a bean bag.

"Hayes, should we tell them?" I look over at him and he's shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth. He shrugs eating more popcorn.

I look at the comments to the side, fans are now begging for the news. I laugh at few comments regarding Hayes and I getting married or having some little ankle biters.

"I haven't popped the question, guys, chill." Hayes is laughing too. It's not that we aren't planning. We definitely are, but its not as close as they think. We've been together for 3 years, but we've both agreed that we should wait a little longer.

Sad comments were filling the comment box as soon as the words left his mouth. I was glad his fans liked Hayes and I together. It made me feel better about myself, honestly. But I'm definitely about to win their hearts.

"Okay, we'll tell the news." I say. I'm so excited, this will be fun. I look at Hayes, "should I announce the news or do you want to?" He swallows his popcorn and looks at the camera.

"We've done something very special for you guys. And we hope you like it." Hayes looks at me, telling me it's my turn to speak now.

"We have made a snapchat account for you guys to add and snapchat us. Hayes will be logged in on his phone and I'll be logged in on mine. Everyone gets added back. Then we'll spend a week or two chatting with all of you. I think it's a great for all of you, you have a chance to meet your idol." I say motioning to Hayes.

"We'll post the snapchat name on Twitter, Instagram, and all that jazz later. So be sure to stay tune." Hayes says before ending the younow.

"You think they'll like it?" I ask, before crawling into Hayes' lap. I lay my head on his chest, closing my eyes. "I hope so, Paisley." He says and feel him gently kiss the top of my head before playing with my hair.

{ part two will be up later}

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