1. {the first time for everything}

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"Bring me another bottle please!"

That was my best friend's voice miraculously still audible over the rolling credits from the tv in the sitting room. It's a wonder that the Gary's haven't come to knock on the door today, maybe they saved it for when my parents came back to town.

"Get it yourself Henrietta, I already have a headache from your constant yelling!" I eyed her as I walked past her rubbing the side of my head that ached.

"Shesh," she cringed inwardly. "don't call me that." I watched as she went ahead into the kitchen and took a drink for herself. I dropped the pizza on the table and stomped my way to the kitchen, grabbed a Coke for myself and went back to the living room.

"The group messages keep multiplying," I groaned as I opened my soda. "What is Tasha saying about the road trip anyway?"

It was a three-days road trip that we had been planning since a week before. The trimester ended two weeks ago and we had about three months before the start of another year. Basically, the summer was ours.

"Something about Benji's van getting fixed," She casually mentioned as she slumped on the couch beside me.

"God that damned van! Last time my legs were numb for the whole of the trip, I could barely run when we saw the fireworks!" I complained as I tapped the remote to stream another movie on the television.

"Don't worry, he's promised to fix the back seat this time, when is your brother coming back?" She asked me, as she furiously scrolled through whatever on her phone screen.

"Training till 5, why?" I asked her and she shook her head in no reply. I turned back to the tv and played a movie not bothering whether she was focusing. She never truly concentrated on movies but somehow, she always knew the last line every time you asked.

My heart leaped out of my throat when she suddenly jerked off the couch with a shriek, her phone dropping from her shaky hands.

"Jesus Harry, what's wrong with you?" I immediately asked her, the pain in my head worsening. When she wouldn't answer, I stretched my hands and took the phone from the ground to see what it was.

My heart rate spiked when I saw that the scoreboard was displayed on her screen. I fumbled with my eyes scanning over the list as I searched endlessly for her name. I heaved a sigh when I finally read Henrietta Malone with a C next to her name. She never really liked history anyways, so I couldn't quite figure out why she panicked that way.

"You hated that man, it's great that you even got a C," I casually mentioned as I scrolled down the table to try find my name.

Never in my life had I seen a big bold F and corresponding to it on the table, was my full government name.

💨 Aug 29

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💨 Aug 29

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