11. {a serving of fist}

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Jacob Randell- young American scores final goal for the city club.

Fame was just a spark, one that needed ignition by one triggering event. You could be famous overnight, if lucky you'll make it to the right side of history. That was where my brother was and I was super happy for him.

As I walked into the admin unit, I swallowed hard my anxiety. I greeted the receptionist, knocked on Joy's door and went in on her permission.

"How've you been since we last met, Mary?" Joy began as she crossed her arms and rested on her swivel chair.

"I've been trying hard, you know juggling between school and internship," I answered forcing a smile from the anxiety of what's to come.

"Do you think that the workload has affected you in anyway? Like in your recent assessment?" She asked me.

"Well," I drawled without knowing what to say.

"Mary, all of your failed exams have the same problem. The writings goes off the line, spelling errors, incoherent thoughts," the moment she started to explain, my heart began to race and it didn't stop.

My eyes continued to twitch and my palm grew sweaty as she continued, "I want to be able to help you. You should sign these documents, let's test for learning difficulties."

For the first time in a while, the fear of getting caught shook me in a tremor and I felt the need to protect myself from the truth. "I do not have dyslexia," I stated, monotonously.

"Of course Mary, the test is to figure out if you have dyslexia or determine whatever is going on with you, if you sign these, you're going to be assigned to a psychologist who'll carry out the test and help you better," she explained further.

"Sorry but I don't want to do this," I shook my head as I stood up, grabbed my bag and let myself out of her office.

I shouldn't have gone back to Derby's looking like shit

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I shouldn't have gone back to Derby's looking like shit. I had been fighting back my tears on the bus but somehow the mascara managed to stain the skin near my eyes. So as soon as I got to the company, I went to the bathroom first to wash if off my face.

Immediately I was done, I headed to our office but got stopped along the way when Mrs. smith called me.

"Good morning," I tried to smile but the scowl she kept on her pale face made me recompose myself.

"Did you drink before you typed these?" She asked me as she threw some papers on the floor. As I stared down at it, I realized that it was the report I worked on on Friday while Kai and Luca went delivering packages. I bent down and picked them from the ground before scanning to find what was wrong with them. I was stressed out and that made locating my errors even harder for me.

"I want the report back by lunch," she hastily said as she scoffed and left.

As I sat in front of the computer, a hundred thoughts went through my mind. The thought that even though I had been hiding away from it, the school counselor was about to find me out. The thought of what hell Mrs. Smith would put me through if I submitted another report full of errors. The disability which had developed over time now seemed to question my competence in my everyday activities.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now