25. {best of summers}

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"Harry vouched for you, so I wouldn't be harsh," I heard Jake say to Kai in the living room as I grabbed two soda bottles from the kitchen. As he noticed my presence, he leaned towards Kai's ears and whispered something to him.

"Don't listen to anything my brother says." I approached them and grabbed Kai's arms and pull him towards the door. He led me down the driveway to his car, holding me close to him as I replied Harry's text.

I muttered a low thanks as he opened the car door for me and he got in as well. "What did he say to you?" I asked him. Kai didn't say anything, he just smiled knowingly to himself.

"That he's going to kill you if you hurt me right?"

"Not specifically, my bones are going to be fed to an iguana if i bring you home late," Kai responded.

"Jake's such a kid." Harry shook her head in disbelief with a scoff.

As the credits roll after the movie we had watched, I couldn't help but have my mind drift off to the fact that maybe I could make it to the next class

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As the credits roll after the movie we had watched, I couldn't help but have my mind drift off to the fact that maybe I could make it to the next class. The professor had cancelled my first assessment and told me to prepare for the final one instead. The support group wasn't doing much, yet. It felt reassuring to know that there were people like me around and ready to help.

"Thinking again?" Kai had opened the door to coffee bean and hugged me from behind once I entered. I only shook my head with a smile as I held his hands.

As soon as we settled down on our table, Tasha asked, "whose turn is it?"

"Gaby Anderson and you," Harry immediately answered as she glared at Gaby.

"I am so used to calling the shots," Gaby snickered as he stood up and eyed Harry.

"Two mochas Anderson," Kai reminded him and gaby only scoffed and shook his head as he left.

"Okay Lesley," Benji rubbed his hands together with a mischievous grin. And we knew whenever he did that, an awful joke was about to come out his mouth.

"So what did the zero say to the eight?" he asked her.

Lesley looked up from her phone with a confused expression on her face, "the belt looks good on you?"

He shook his head repeatedly as he screamed, "no, it said hey, you're two of me!"

Lesley scoffed, "I'm pretty sure that's not how the joke goes."

"Let's go play at the beach?" Harry asked as soon as Gaby and Tasha made it back to the table.

"Yes, my van is here." Benji immediately supported Harry's suggestion.

"I promised myself I'd never get in your van again," I turned to him.

"It was that one time, Mae and I fixed it now," he assured me.

Even though Harry and Benji were the most excited about their impulse decision that afternoon, we all made it to the bay with them. As I ate my croissant and sat on the sand, I stared at Kai as he ran after Gaby and the ball. Once he found my gaze, he blew an air kiss and sent a wink towards my way.

"You both are made for each other, it's embarrassing to watch," Lesley elbowed me with a smirk as she had seen that exchange.

I could only smile so wide when the girls went in to join the chase. And even though we were worlds apart from one another, I still felt lucky to have my friends.

It felt like one swallow did make my own summer.

💨Oct 9

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💨Oct 9

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now