8. {another scoreboard}

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Derby's and heaven certainly do not go in the same sentence together, the past week was proof of that.
We were overworked, drafting reports, making entries into the database, distributing sales package, they made us do everything. All the while, Kimberly called it experiencing the lot. I'd never dealt with so much paperwork than I did in the past week.

I barely had time for myself. I was sleeping during lunch breaks, I was sleeping in Kai's very cozy air-conditioned car. I slept through Gaurdian of the Galaxy III on our Saturday hangout and even though Tasha wouldn't shut up about a party coming up soon when we were at coffee bean, I still couldn't get over my drowsiness.

Our professor made us sit for our first assessment yesterday. That was the thought constantly plaguing my mind this Thursday morning as Kai drove with Backstreet Boys playing subtly in the background.

"Are you okay?" He turned to me, his eyebrows lining up to a frown.

"Yeah, I'm good," I threw him a good smile.

"You just haven't touched the coffee since we got it," he reminded me so I picked it up to drink.

"Thanks," I answered him after a sip before I got drawn to Kai's unfastened seatbelt so I reminded him.

It didn't take long for me to warm up to Luca

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It didn't take long for me to warm up to Luca. He was a very flirtatious guy who came from the next town to intern at Derby's because he wouldn't get accepted in any company back in his own town.

He also seemed to not know anything at all about the printing industry and so it's basically starting from the scratch for him. Not that he really cares that much about work and that's why he was trying to convince me to go to a party with him while we were working, presently.

"It's going to be a great party, you don't even have to bring anything. Sweetheart, I'm offering you a free invite to the greatest party of all time," he rambled on while I refreshed the browser every passing second.

"I don't want to spend my Friday night at a party, Luca," I tried to get him to back off but he just wouldn't listen.

"Why? Are you even listening to me?" He snatched my phone away from my hands and brought my face to him.

"Because I love my sleep," I responded, irking my brows from his contact.

"You look like a zombie with those eye bags, that's why you should come with me to this party, let loose," he demanded.

"What party?" Kai walked into the room with a bunch of papers in his hand.

"It's not important," Luca took his hands off my face, cut the conversation off and walked back to his table. The smirk on his face and his subtle eye look before he did made me realize that our conversation was far from over.
I glanced at Kai, he just seemed to wave the whole thing as he worked on his laptop.

Soon, Kai and Luca left to deliver packages while Mrs. Smith instructed me to work on a report from the previous day.I found that really frustrating since Kai wasn't there to offer any form of help.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now