21.{oh high and overdose}

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As much as I tried to remember, all I could remember was the moment I grabbed my car keys and the moment the airbag inflated into my face before the darkness consumed me.

"Hey sweetie," my mom's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I stood at the kitchen sink. "Jake and I will drop by the station to file a report. Why don't you stay with Harry?" She pecked my cheeks before they headed out.

Harry was taking some cereal in the kitchen and I stood by and watched since she hadn't been eating so well since her uncle died. The doorbell soon rang and I went ahead to get it.

The rest of my friends walked into my house and took their seats on the couch. As Harry walked into the living room, benji immediately stood up and went to her.

"Hey Harry, I haven't been able to officially send my condolences." He slurred as he spread Harry's hands himself and hugged her. His lifeless body limped towards the couch after and he plonked down on the couch.

"Is this man alright?" Harry asked as her brows quirked in confusion.

"No, he's been using again." Gaby responded, his smile disappearing, "Layla ditched him." Harry then went to Benji and patted him continuously.

"How're you faring, Malone?" Gaby sent her an acknowledging nod. "You look like a mess."

"You too," Harry replied him and he smiled a little.

"So anyone get any information about Faye?" I decided to ask.

"Well, she's not from around here," Gaby stated as he pressed on his phone, not sparing anyone a glance.

"I asked my aunt, she isn't registered in our school either," Lesley added. "There's no record of her."

"Someone said she's sisters with a girl who was a sophomore at our school last year," Gaby mentioned. "I had seen her at the casino a few times, she was really good."

"The girl gambled at the casino?" I asked.

"No she worked there, she only played when the manager wasn't there." He responded.

"Oh it was that one! I heard that she died last year summer." Tasha added once she realized who Gaby was talking about.

"Why do you care about who Faye is though?" Benji asked as he paced around the room and got the water from the jug, his hands shaking as he did.

"She's just been moving mad lately," Harry responded hoping not to divulge any critical information to the rest of my friends. But the horror already inside of me and the urgent need to save my irresponsible father before Faye did something she'd regret made me blurt out my next statement,

"She kidnapped my father."

"What? Why on earth would she do that?" Lesley looked up from her phone for the first time in a while.

"I mean, come on. Faye has not guts to do that." Gaby nodded his head in disapproval.

"She thinks that I killed her sister," I told them and they all seemed to be quite confused as well as amused at the same time.

"You?" Gaby laughed again.

"My accident last summer, Faye's sister crashed into us," I explained and my reply seemed to make Benji tense up as he sat upright. "She went into coma and died soon after."

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now