Chapter 13

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Since the elevator incident, Pete noticed that Kim is everywhere. The youngest main family heir had frequented the training area, terrorizing the new recruits with his deadly gaze when they get too close to Pete. It pissed Pete to the core because half the time, they would do over their routines because the recruits have a hard time concentrating when the youngest heir was around. During missions, Kim would suddenly appear out of nowhere and Pete swore he'd get a grey hair every time it happens because it messes up the plans and it adds another Theerapanyakul to protect. He also started spotting him at Tankhun's pond where Pete feeds the fish and takes his smoke breaks. Kim even started attending the nightly movie marathon with Tankhun and sitting next to him, much to the older man's delight and to Pete's dismay. This went on for weeks and Pete feels like he's going crazy hearing Kim's whispered random puns and pick-up lines every time he's near him. Pete finally had enough when he saw Kim sitting at the cafeteria table where he usually eats his breakfast. Grumpily taking his seat across the mafia heir and technically one of his boss, Pete started to eat his breakfast glaring openly at Kim, which in return, earned a wicked smile from the other. When they finished eating their meal, Pete hastily stood up and Kim followed him. After taking several turns around the house and noticing that the younger man was still following him, Pete abruptly stopped walking which made Kim bumped into him. He took a deep breath and faced the man.

"With all due respect Khun Kim and pardon my french sir, but what the f*ck do you want from me?" He asks, voice calm but his face and ears turned red of anger.

"I didn't know you could cuss, Pete but you're still awfully cute. Minus that death glare you have there." Kim says instead of answering him and it took a lot of patience to not punch the kid in the face. Yep, he's a kid because he's barely in his legal age and he's acting like one. Pete sighed, feeling hopeless.

"Well, it seems to me that you don't need my service, Khun Kim. Let me get myself scarce then." He bowed and marched away from the grinning man. When he heard footsteps behind him, Pete looses it as he shouts, "What the f*ck is wrong with you, kid?!"

The footsteps stilled and Pete turned around to face a shocked Kim. This is the first time that he saw him in such an expression. Kim was always devoid of expression or grinning playfully or maniacally. As the initial anger wears off, Pete was flooded with guilt.
'Was he too harsh? But the kid is being a nuisance!', his mind reasoned.

Clearing his throat, he started apologizing. "Pardon my behavior, Khun Kim. It must've been my lack of sleep that made my mouth spewing disrespectful words. My apologies." He says in rapid succession as he bowed repeatedly. Not hearing a response, he looked up again and saw Kim's quivering lips. 'What the heck? Is he gonna cry?'

"Uhm, Khun Kim?" He said, trying to get the young man's attention. "Are you okay?" is what he's gonna add but the younger was clearly not okay so he stopped himself from asking.

"Y–you yelled at me." Kim finally found his words and stared Pete in disbelief.

"You yelled at me." He repeats, eyes widening in realization and then they started watering.

"You yelled at me!" He says louder this time, eyes boring to Pete accusingly and he wanted to slap his forehead because of the situation he put himself in. Did he just made the stoic mafia prince cry?

"N-no no. It was a mistake, Khun Kim. I didn't mean to shout at you." He shook his head, trying to console him.

"You clearly did! *sniffs* You probably hate me."

"Of course not, Khun Kim. I don't hate you. Why would I?" Pete grimaced at his words. He should've just shut up.

"You never yell at Tankhun when he throws a tantrum or do something annoying. *sniffs* But you yelled at me even if I was only following you. You must surely hate me. *sniffs*"

This time, Kim was openly crying and Pete was panicking.

"N-no, Khun Kim. Y-you had it wrong. I don't h-hate you. I'm just not used to having someone following me around during my breaks. Stop crying, okay?" Pete says trying to shush him. Kim abruptly stopped crying and Pete exhaled in relief.

"Really? You don't hate me?" Kim asks, his eyes twinkling and Pete thought maybe it's too early to feel relieved.

"O-of course. Why would I hate you? Hahaha." He answered, laughing in uncertainty. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Then you won't mind me following you around, would you?" Kim asks and Pete held back all the profanities he'd like to unleashed. Instead, he gave him a stiff smile and begrudgingly mumbled an 'of course, Khun Kim'. The younger man beamed at him happily and from then on, Kim followed Pete whenever he goes like a lost puppy. Sometimes he wonders if Kim's crying was just a ploy to make him say yes to the younger man's request.

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