The Green-Eyed & Gregarious

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(these chapters are super late because of travel so forgive the strange parts of it that you'll inevitably read along with any strange spelling errors! and thank you immensely for 1k reads, u all give me great encouragement with this story w/all ur support. i and the star say a great thank you :)

(EDITED)(Note to readers: Some chapters ahead may not be in line with the new edits.)

Given the circumstances that Kane was sick off his ass—even if in denial over it—and Coach was booked from edge to edge with the never-ending press issues, and, now, Kane's worsening condition along with Corvus's rising tension, most of the pressure post-Wednesday had fallen on the somewhat-second-in-command, Rosalie, who was as happy to take on such pressure as you could believe, let alone right before the dawn of Green Diamond.

"I am very happy to take on this pressure as you can believe, even before the dawn of Green Diamond," Rosalie said to us the following Thursday.

Diego said, "Really? Hey, look at you."

Rosalie gave him a glare that could peel the skin off his bones. "No, Diego. No, I am not. Are you an idiot? I think I've become a centerback of a team of idiots."

"Tough crowd," he murmured.

Rosalie rubbed at her temples. "This is going to be the longest van ride of my life, so here's the plan. Everyone gets ten syllables once every hour."

"That's not a plan, that's a dictatorship," Diego gasped.

"Ten syllables right there," she snapped.

"Rosie, you seem tense. You need a back rub? Maybe a letter of resignation from my life?" Diego hissed.

"When you get one from mine."

Kane's symptoms had diluted, but Ramos had said he'd be in bed-exile until next week while the medicine fully kicked in for his system. She'd said it couldn't do much for his eyes and hair, those were likely to stay, but it would at least make him feel pretty normal, and that was as best as she could promise. Granted, it was Kane. Nothing had been promised without a fight.

"I can go," he insisted. "I can at least watch."

"You're staying," Coach replied.

Kane huffed. "Echo got to go watch the games while he was benched for being a little shit and I can't go watch because of a tiny fever?"

"Good to know I'm loved," I muttered.

"Echo was benched for a crappy attitude and a face like a devil. You're sick out of your brain, that's different, and you're not even coherent enough to make it to the kitchen and back without causing some sort of pathetic uproar from these guys,"

"I've got one of those faces," I agreed.

"Shut up, Yun," Corvus snapped.

"You know, I might be a little shit, but at least I didn't try to eat a sock."

"It was next to the soup," Kane muttered. "What is this judgment? Why is everyone so judgy? Let me live my life."

"Please don't let him come," Rosalie said. "I can't deal with that for seventeen hours. I already have to deal with his Thing 2."

"Whose his Thing 2?" I asked. "What's a Thing 2? What's Thing 1?"

Rosalie gestured. "My point exactly."

"You're all gonna put me in therapy," Coach muttered.

"Can it be on the way to Oregon?" Kane murmured.

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