[bonus] What If's & Fun Facts

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Hello, hello, dear reader. This is is just a bit of a brain-vomit on everything about this book, from characters to plot to theme to fun facts to fun little things I made in celebration of finishing the book, etc. Thank you all so very, very much for sticking around for this book, you have my ultimate gratitude!

(I do plan to do one more bonus chapter, which shows chunks of this story, and some time before it, from Kane's POV. But that's to come :D )



Echo Yun:

-(I feel the need to preface this all with: this book has technically been in my mind since before Suicide Buddies. So, although Suicide Buddies was a very thorough character and plot brain-vomit, note, this will be even worse than that. Thank you :D)

-Echo caps at 4'11.5. Really, it's closer to 4'11

-His full language range in order of most to least fluent goes English/ Korean/ Japanese/ French/ Mandarin

-Echo is, even without the meat issue, a particularly picky eater since he didn't grow up eating that many foods. Most of what he ate was Korean anyway, so he really only eats a variety of Korean and a limited number of other types. He's allergic to cashews.

-Echo's mother was very well-educated, and so growing up, Echo was pushed to read/write a lot by her and he learned most of his elementary education from her while in Incheon

-Echo has a subtle Korean accent to his English that comes out more when he's tired or angry

-Echo eats the orange gummy bears first because he hates them

-Echo likes gummy bears because, while with Mercy, he couldn't afford to buy fruit, so he'd buy candy to imitate the taste

-Echo is naturally not a day person because he had to work very late into the nights, and so most of his activity we see when he's alone is closer to early morning or late evening

-His mysterious HELLO KITTY obsession originates from the fact he had very little money to buy clothes, and since he was small, Mercy would buy him large children's clothes for a while, and the ones she happened to buy were Sanrio-themed. He became sort of fond of the cute characters.

-Although Echo speaks and understands languages very well, his reading and writing of them is quite bad because of losing it when he lost his mom. The witches kept his Hangul relatively up-to-date, but everything else would probably be lost on him

-Echo's favorite color is blue

-Echo's least favorite color is red or yellow

-Echo's favorite food is anything sweet potato, or gummy bears, obviously

-Unironically, he enjoys the Stirling Slush

-Echo's favorite season is spring or summer

-Echo in a song...Alien Blues, by Vundabar, perhaps?

-"Echo Yun" is a character name that has been in my notes for years now, and I thought it was a cute name from that move Earth to Echo. I didn't watch it (hah) but I wanted to use it at some point. Originally, Echo in this book's early stages was going to be far closer to Kane's character, and Kane was going to be very different. However, upon writing the first chapter after the prologue, I thought I'd shift

-Echo was the most fun in terms of dialogue to write

Kane King (Kitae Wang):

-Kane clears the table at 6'0, flat

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