The Cruxes and Crimes of Passion

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(ty for readin, you're very much appreciated, the little star is happy happy happy to see you as am I :D this entire chapter was written within the span of a day, basically, so if it seems all over the place and a little rushed, know i was only barely conscientious when i wrote it. ty for your support nonetheless)

(EDITED)(Note to readers: Some chapters ahead may not be in line with the new edits.)


This chapter contains sexual content that some readers may find uncomfortable. If so, please refrain from reading further. Thank you.]

I.GHOST - New Message

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I.GHOST - Merci

beryllium? how brutal. wonder how that happened.

hey ghostie
i don't think i have to tell you about what to tell and what not to, right?
hey ghostie
i sure hope you're not learning any bad habits over there, like honesty. you! honest!
how ironic, no?


I don't entirely know what it was about undergoing several rounds of nauseating, gut-spilling, heart-splitting honesty and up-close-and-personal, near-death experiences with someone, but whatever it was, it did something to people.

I lied atop Kane at some point in the AM of the night, not another soul awake save for us and the ghosts of the stars. I'd taken back my rightful Target discount T-shirt, leaving Kane in a thin white shirt that read MAN OF NO MATTER at its breast pocket.

Kane had an arm crooked behind his head, his other overtop my back to hold me in place. I rested my forearms on his chest, the faintest heartbeat echoing in my bones. I watched the moonlight shift and shudder on his face, lose itself in the dips of his eyelids and brows and cheekbones. He was humming again, some other verse of the same song, as wordless as the evening around us.

I said, "Are you excited for Red Diamond?"

Kane shrugged. "Sometimes."

"Other times?"

He opened his eyes to the ceiling. "I get scared."


"Dunno. No matter how many times you've done something, any kind of competition can be scary. This season has already been so chaotic," he muttered.

"Sorry," I said, because it only felt right.

Kane cocked a brow. "I didn't mean you. Although, you're your own issue."


Kane grinned to himself. I said, "Are you going to see your cousins?"

Kane said, "I am. Where are you going?"

"Next door."

He lifted his head with a frown. "You're not going anywhere?"

I frowned. "Where would I go?" I admitted. "I've got nothing to do or see. Besides, it's air-conditioned the whole year round in here. That's all I need."

Kane blinked. He set his head back down, his face going pensive. He said, "Maybe."

I said, "Don't think about it."

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