Blackout, Beryllium

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(ty for reading, you're very appreciated and i am happy to see u, as is the little star above :)

(EDITED)(Note to readers: Some chapters ahead may not be in line with the new edits.)

This chapter contains sexual content that some readers may find uncomfortable. If so, please refrain from reading further. Thank you.]

The Bloodhounds had won their Grand Prix by the time the second Green Diamond match came around for America's college sports system. It meant Elias was face-front on the news for all square racing fans to see. It meant it was the thick of July, the air saturated in sun, the ground soaked with pungent heat, the wind scented with sweat and green leaves, of overgrown grass and sunscreen. Everything was burnt golden, the edges overcooked and brown, the concrete smoking puffs of sparkling heat up into the blue, blue sky. Not a cloud dared to block the sun's limelight moment, letting it fill the day with junoesque hips and a voluptuous silhouette, not an inch of earth untouched by its hefty figure. Even the night sweated from its shadow, the blaze still burning beneath asphalt and weeds.

The gap between Green and Red Diamond, known as the vacation period, was the length of August in which all matches of Championships halted in order to allow racers time to get away and see their families or friends or live a life that didn't depend on the blood of motorbikes and money. It gave racers something to look forward to as well. They needed it, as you can imagine.

We were halfway through Green Diamond by now, and headed right for Red. It meant there was little to no time for me to worry about my brother's shenanigans, or God forbid, his wins. The last thing I needed was a reminder of what was to come at the end of the year. I had enough of that from just looking at Kane. The summer came with blood to spill, but if I could choose ignorance, I could at least save myself some carnage.

"Avoidance is cheap," Mercy had once told me after depositing a bagged heart into the freezer box. "You should learn to be more upfront about your bullshit, Ghost."

There was not enough time in the world to be upfront about my brother. For now, summer was the only problem on my shrinking plate. My brother was through to hold his place in facing me after Red Diamond. So, I had to worry about holding my own.

Lycans had a bone to pick with summer. The creatures just don't care for the heat. How could they? A few degrees, and the world would burn up right from its core outward, until we were all char and ash. Just compound that into a whining, fur-freak of a young adult athlete, and you can imagine the discord. Put nine of them together. Click. Bang! What even was there to do in a heat wave?

"Don't hold your breath," Kane muttered, pulling my hair to yank my head back. "You're asking for issues."

"You're an issue," I murmured, wiping my mouth. "And please let me do this in silence, your nagging is a serious turn-off."

Kane scoffed. "Then don't get mad when you choke," he said, and pushed into my mouth.

I choked. But lightly, thank you.

Kane said, "I told you."

I coughed, "Is there usually this much talking, because I gotta say, this might not be my thing."

Kane rolled his eyes. "Do it or don't, it's fucking hot in here anyway." He glanced around at his room, which could only manage so much under such little AC.

"If I do it, make us breakfast."

"I can make breakfast without a mouth on me."

"Yeah," I said, sitting back up. "But you'd probably be happier doing it."

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