Epilogue - No Dogs Allowed

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Hello, dear reader.

You have reached the end of this book.

Thank you so, so, so very much for sticking around to the end of this (extremely) long book. This story, although only published for a little less a year, has actually been in the works for a lot, lot longer than that, and so seeing it come to life in this past year has been an incredible experience. 

Thank you for joining me for that, for commenting, voting, supporting me in messages or on my message board. I read and think of each and every one of them. They have given me the motivation needed to complete this. So, truly, you have all my—and the little star's—gratitude. I will do my typical bonus chapter after this, so if you do have any questions now that this story has come to a close, please feel free to ask!

I hope you enjoyed the utter chaos that is No Dogs Allowed. I hope Echo's angst and unpredictable wit made you laugh as much as it made you cry. Tiny but definitely mighty. I will miss his gummy bear affinity and HELLO KITTY obsession, for sure. 

I hope you enjoyed Kane's brooding and sassiness. I hope his ups and downs were just as interesting as his attitude and crass mouth was enjoyable. He has such a special space in my heart, and I will most definitely miss his organic fruit roll-ups and shoe obsession. For. Sure.

I hope you enjoyed Corvus! All their chattering, bantering, and fierce love they hold for each other. I hope their racing was just as fun as their bickering. Each and every one of them were so, so, so much fun to write about and interact with. I hope they were equally fun for you all. I will miss their randomized outings, their loyal yet abrasive dynamic, and their races. Obviously.

Ramos and Edwards are real ones, no doubt, and I hope you enjoyed seeing the utter chaos they underwent in attempt to wrangle their team. They have some of the biggest hearts out of anyone here, without a doubt, and without them, Echo's journey would not have been possible. So, props to them. Majorly.

Mercy, D, the Bengals, Sunhee, Miss Wang, Nami, Gao, Tang, Li, Tri, Jeremy, Nia, Ian, and Jamie. Although they are side characters, their hand in shaping this story was not a small feat and I love each and every one of them very much. I hope you enjoyed their participation as much as I did. 

Elias, Poppy, Echo's mother and father. They all hold a surprising amount of weight in this story despite the fact we only ever genuinely meet one of them once. Still, they shaped much of its foundation, and that should be acknowledged.

This story is the longest story I've ever written, mostly because it holds many, many things that I wanted to say while I was writing it. This book spans over a very tumultuous, change-filled time of my life. Writing it gave me a lot of space to think about it without even realizing it. So, thank you, truly, for sticking around to see it all unfold.

Each and every one of you, no matter what race you're racing, are winners to me. You are all somebody's somebody. No matter what happens in your life, when you win or you lose, I hope you can learn to pick yourself up and move beyond it somehow. 

True victory isn't always what you win from other people. Sometimes, it's what you choose to give yourself.

May you enjoy many delicious gummy bears, much delicious Korean food, and plenty of breakfast bars. Take a chance, try in all you do, and above everything: don't fear more than you want.

You deserve every chance that comes your way.

I hope you take them.

the end.

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