File_06 :

511 67 23

(ty for reading ! you all really make my day with your comments and votes and love, so for that, i want to say i am forever thankful and luv u all. these chapters r likely slowly getting more and more solemn in some sense, haha, so, bear with me. i shall save the rest of the sappiness for the epilogue, so for now, the little star waves you hello and is happy to see u here :3 )

(Note to readers: Some chapters ahead may not be in line with the new edits.)


Monosodium glutamate 

A food additive and flavor enhancer. White, crystalline powder. Often used in restaurant foods, canned vegetables, and deli meats. Induces umami flavor, increases salivation, and can cause irreversible metabolic, nerve, and reproductive damage. Subtle flavor. Highly addictive.


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[riyu byungho yun - Google Search]

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