Stuart twombly | nerd

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God he's so annoying.
His smug smile.
His nerdy glasses.
His sarcastic personality.
His brown hair.
His adorable brown eyes.
His smile.
His cute glasses.
His unique personality.

Okay I admit, he's beautiful. And I hate it, I hate the fact I like him, he's so annoying! I don't get it!

"What are you thinking about?"
I see the tall brunette sit next to my desk.
"Just how annoying you are" I don't even look at him.
"So your thinking about me?" He smiles at me. Omg his smile, his stupid smile, the one I can't get out of my mind. "Don't get any ideas." I look at him. "Do you wanna go out on a date with me?" I'm shocked. He literally just asked me out.

"I'm kidding" he laughs. God I hate him.
"Actually yeah, I would want to go out on a date with you.. say tonight? Say, my place?" I give him a flirty smile.
"W-what? Your kidding right?" His voice begins to shake, I smile at him. "Yeah, I mean. Unless you have plans?" Our faces get closer. I can hear the others having a conversation about how to win our next competition. I don't think they can hear us.

"I-i mean.. no I'm not do- doing anything." He replies. "Okay, pick me up around 7?" I smile at him before whispering in his ear "don't be late"
I give him a quick kiss on his lips before leaving the room.
I turn around to see him fidgeting, man I really humbled him.

I stop in my tracks. Wait did that really just happen..?

Dylan obrien x reader (imagines) Where stories live. Discover now