Dave | run

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Some people would say that waking up early is weird, some people would say waking up late is weird, some people would even say waking up is weird? There is one thing that many people think is weird though, which is waking up early to run. Well I'm not exactly one of those people.

There are days where I feel like waking up early to go for a little jog, and some days where I don't.

That was until I ran into this guy, I never got his name but ever since I ran into him he's been constantly on my mind.


As I'm putting on my trainers to begin my run, I almost forget about my music. I always need music while running.

I walk into my living room to have a look for my earphones. They're impossible too find. I search through the draws of my tv stand, under the sofa and behind the cushions.

But that was before I had realized they were in my pocket so basically I spent around ten minutes looking for them when they were just in my pocket the whole time.

I put on "glass chalet" by Wilbur soot after placing them in my ears, before opening the door. But as I step out, it was freezing. The air felt like ice. So I go back in too look for my hat, which is right by the sofa.

I place on my hat as it's practically ice cold outside and leave my house.

I've had a pretty rough week, and running is my only escape pretty much. I take my usual path through the woods close to the lake running through my local park.

As I'm jogging I cannot help but replaying the moments of this week through my head. My parents have been nonstop arguing, two days ago my mum asked my dad for a divorce. And my house has been so hectic the only thing I can do is leave my house to get away from it.

As I'm lost in my thoughts I didn't realize how fast I was going. Until I falls into someone. They tumble to the ground pulling me along with them.

I quickly got up from them "I'm so sorry. Oh my god I had no idea how fast I was going." I panic taking out one of my earphones offering the person on the floor a hand.

"It's okay, honestly I wasn't really looking either." He chuckles taking my hand. I finally get a good look at who I ran into. And this man was gorgeous, like the type of character in a movie that all the girls fall for. He had brown eyes and brown hair, he was tall. Actually pretty tall. And honestly I could just stare at him for days.

"Take a picture it will last longer." He laughs as I snap out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry, it's just your eyes are so pretty." Jesus Christ. I did not just say that.

The guy looks very flustered.

"Thankyou, nobody has ever told me that before." He smiles. "I'm Dave by the way."
He takes out his hand.
"Y/n." I shake his hand.

we both just kind of stay like that. Silence.

"Okay, well Dave. I'm sorry for falling for you. Erm over you?" I'm such an idiot.

"Y/n. I'm sorry for falling for you aswell." I smile to him as I begin to walk off.

"Wait!" He says, I turn around "yes Dave? Miss me already?" I giggle.

"Erm, could I get your number? Or something? Where are you headed?" He questions me like it's an interrogation.

"Oh I'm going to be heading town way. And yes you can have my number." I smile holding my hand out for his phone but he looks confused.
"Give me your phone and I'll put my number in it" I tell him while he brings out his phone for me.

"Thankyou, and do u think I can walk with you?" He asks me politely as I'm giving him his phone back.

"Of course" I smile.

"What are you listening to?" He asks pointing at my earphones.

"Wilbur soot, know him?" I ask and he nods.

"I liked his ycgma album, haven't heard his other one though." We begin to walk off.

"Here, borrow my earphone and I'll play it." I smile handing him an ear phone.

We begin to walk off talking about nothing and everything.

End of flashback.

So we are going out later tonight for drinks, and I kind of hope I bump into him today.

Wish me luck :)

771 words, sorry for the inactivity. Lmk if you want a part 2!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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