Dylan obrien | kindergarten

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"I'm gonna miss them though" I said to Dylan as I turned around to face him. It's 1am, he's trying to get to sleep. He looks at me with droopy eyes.
"Babe they'll be fine, now can I sleep?" He turns around.
I huff.

I get out of bed, I cannot sleep. I walk into the twins room, they're both sound asleep in their beds, they're so cute.

I walk downstairs into the living room, I put on Netflix and go to continue watching. Friends Season 2 ep 16.

I turn the volume down to 12, even numbers you know. I step out of the room to go into the kitchen, I make myself a cup of tea and I take some Doritos with me.

I sigh as I walk back into the living room, I grab a blanket from in the cupboard in the corner of the room. I sit on the sofa and get all cozy.

I've been laughing at a couple of the jokes and I really don't seem to be getting tired.
*ping* *ping* *ping* I take my phone from of the side of the coffee table.

Dyl: I'm coming down.

I turn my phone off and act unbothered until he came into the room.
"Oh hey dyl"
He mimics me with a childish tone loud enough for me to hear.
"Move up my love" he walks over to the sofa.
I move so my back is against the arm chair and stretch my legs over the seats so he can't sit down. He looks at me with a 'really?' Expression.

I giggle. "Right then" he then sits down on my legs.
"owwww Dylan get off!" I wine
He shakes his head and crosses he arms while he turns to the tv.
He continues to ignore me. I wiggle my feet.
He's still ignoring me.
"Dyl." I say with no expression.
He sits up and I bring my legs to my chest.
"I'm sorry babe" he chuckles.
He sits down and takes my legs so they're over his.
"I can't believe your favorite is Ross" I say to him.
"Yeah well, he doesn't deserve his hate"
"He cheated on Rachel."
"THEY WERE ON A BREAK" he whisper yells.
"Shhh" I put my hand over his mouth. He licks my hand.
"Eww dylan" I wipe my hand on his joggers
"Oh so u like my tongue when it's in your mouth but not when it's on your hand."
I ignore him.
"Come here" he opens his arms out.
I sit up and lay my head on his chest, he puts his hand on my lower back and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
And just like that. I fell asleep.

*Time skip*

After I finish making the girls lunch, I go upstairs to wake them up.
"Lacey? Kacey?" I turn on the light and see them still asleep. Dylan comes upstairs, "you get Lacey I'll get kacey" he rubs my back as he walks into their room.
"Good compromise."
I pick up Lacey and she begins to wake up. "Ooo your getting heavy"
"I'm a big girl." She yawns.
"You girls ready for your first day?" Dylan says.
"Yeah!" They both exclaim excitedly.

We get into the car and drive off, it's about a 20 minute drive. I put my hand on Dylan's thigh, and rub it with my thumb, he looks at me and give me a warm smile. I love this man.

The girls are in the back singing let it go. It's all they ever listen to now adays.

Once we get there, the girls try to unbuckle their seatbelts. Dylan and I walk over to the car doors and open them to unbuckle them. But Lacey already did.
"How did you do that then?" I giggle tickling her chin.
She lifts up her arm to flex her 'muscles' "wow, your muscles are bigger then daddy's!" We all laugh as Dylan's face drops.

And just like that, the girls are off to kindergarten. Cuties.

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