How to kidnap Razor: tell him you're friends with Bennett and Fischl

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The title is literally giving away everything, but that's okay.

Like Bennett, Razor lost sight of Fischl and Oz. Shortly after, his view of Bennett disappeared as very tall buildings cut in between them.

What he could see though, was a ginormous woman towering over everything. This freaked Razor out, which was honestly understandable.

But shifting his attention back to the current situation at hand, Razor was helpless.

Unlike Fischl, he couldn't turn into a raven. And oddly, Bennett's bad luck kept him alive for some reason, which means that Bennett would somehow survive.

Razor? He's got nothing.

He hastily looked at his surroundings, feeling more and more helpless the closer he got to the ground. There was nothing to help him land safely, making Razor panic.

He glued his eyes shut, preparing for death's embrace, but the impact never came.

Instead, he felt strong arms catch him. He opened his eyes to see a blonde man throw him over his shoulders, descending gracefully and landing safely on the ground that was about to kill him.

The man set him down, a large crowd swarming around them.

The women cooed at the man,

reporters and cameramen snapped their photos and videos,

the loud cheering and praising, screaming "ALL MIGHT!!", making Razor's head spin.

The said man, All Might, that everyone was swooning over placed his big bulky hand on Razor's shoulder and asked "Are you okay young man?" before giving Razor the most biggest, creepiest, scariest smile that he had ever seen.

Scared by the smile and ears ringing from all the noise, Razor activated his skill, and scratched All Might's arm.

Startled, he recoiled back in surprise, although not in pain. The crowd gasped.

The women stopped cooing,

the reporters and cameramen recording with their cameras,

the people stopped cheering as surprise taped their mouth shut.

Everyone stared as a small drop of blood trickled down the man's arm, purple electricity crackling everywhere, his smile never leaving his face.

This frightened Razor even more, as he didn't understand what was going on. His hood fell from his head while he was falling, which meant everyone could see his face.

The blonde man took a step forward, "Sir, plea-"

He was cut off when Razor rushed past him, attempting to run away. But the he was ten times more faster than him.

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