Oz steals some clothes, Fischl ends up paying for it anyways

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Fischl hummed in thought as she watched the people, stalking their behaviors and eavesdropping on their conversations.

From what she could tell, these people were not normal, well, as normal as a person can get.

Here's her list of what she could find:

1. Their fashion - they wore a different style of clothes that branched out to several other kinds of clothing, nothing like Mondstadt. And Fischl knows for a fact she does not fit in.

2. Technology - Fischl watched as a man with a more advanced kamera was... recording(?) a scene with another person - this time a woman - who held some black thing in her hand. (She may or may not have gotten "hypnotized" by a big black screen with moving pictures called a TV.)

3. The city - these buildings were tall, it seemed like they reached past the sky itself! Why were they all made of glass? Well, there are some buildings that aren't like that, but they're still pretty weird.

4. 'Quirks' - everyone here seems to bear a vision, except, they don't have the vision themselves, and it's not usually elemental. Like Fischl saw a guy with red wings! Oh, if only she had wings.

5. Heroes and villains - that said guy with red wings turned out to be a hero. It disappointed her, as what kind of adult plays hero and villains? But as she watched (more like stalk) more and more people from the depths of the alley ways, she realized it was no play. There were villains, like that weird slime goo monster that trapped a random loud blonde.

6. Currency - the currency here is different, maybe mora will still work? Probably not.

Fischl sighed. First things first, she needed new clothes that would help her hide herself with the crowd. Next, she needs to find Bennett and Razor asap.

Fischl mumbled under her breath. 'Easier said than done'.

And then, they need to find a way back home. Sighing angrily, Fischl opened the door to a local thrift shop, a bell ringing when she walked in.

The cashier scanned her appearance, raising an eyebrow at her bizarre clothing. She shrugged it off though, maybe she was just cosplaying? And what was with that bird on her shoulder? Was it apart of her quirk?

The cashier shook her head. It wasn't her business anyways, she just wants to get paid and leave.

Fischl looked over the clothes, feeling eyes on her back as she silently whispered to Oz which clothes she wanted him to steal.

Satisfied with the clothes she picked, Fischl's plan was already halfway done.

Mentally smirking to herself, she let Oz disappear as she walked up to the lady behind the counter.

Fischl held a shirt that said 'Nirvana', and she placed it over the counter. "How much?"

The lady flipped the shirt over, revealing the tag that read $4.99.

"$4.99." The woman stated like a mantra.

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