Chapter 7

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I was woken up by a high pitched bleeping noise coming from the alarm clock beside my bed. I opened my eyes, just wide enough to see the clock flashing 8:00AM in blue before quickly hitting the snooze button. God I hated alarms, I loved sleep, sleep was so peaceful and relaxing, and alarms where rude to disrupt me from that peace.

I turned on to my side and smiled as my eyes feel on Austin, who was still fast asleep, letting out tiny, barely audible snores as he laid there, looking like a piece of perfect art carved by angels. If I had it my way, I would just lay here and watch him sleep until I drifted back off to sleep myself, tucked up safely in his arms. But then my heart sank when I remembered why we wouldn't be able to do that, today was the day...the last day of summer.

I had just ten hours left with Austin before he had to leave to catch his flight and just the thought brought tears to my eyes. After six amazing weeks spent with Austin, seeing him almost every day, feeling his arms wrapped tightly around me, making me feel as if his arms where my home. The tiny little butterflies I felt every single time we kissed, the sweet goosebumps I felt over come me whenever our skin touched. Seeing the way the sun and stars reflected in his eyes making them look like they had stars of their own in there. See the way the flames from the bonfires danced perfectly on his tattoo's and lightly tanned skin, the way the sun kissed his skin, so softly adding to his already flawless complexion. The way his hair always looked so scruffy and messy, but in the cutest way in the mornings, or after we wrestled a little. The way he was so much taller then me but our bodies fit together like they where made too. The way he would rest his chin on my head when he held me, occasionally tilting it down to kiss the top of my head. Hearing his sweet, musical chuckle whenever something slightly amused him, or seeing that smirk across his face when he was up to something, hearing that tiny little snort when he laughed. There wasn't a thing about him that I didn't find perfect, and there wasn't a thing about him that I didn't love with my whole heart. After coming used to just being with him, feeling everything I felt when I was with him, the happiness, the joy for six weeks, I wasn't sure how I was going to cope being away from him for so long.

I had to admit, I was fearful for what the future was going to hold. I'd heard one too many stories like mine and Austin's, but none of them ended well. Life always tore them apart one way or another, time and distance took it's toll, stresses and worry etched in too deep to brake from, mistakes made that held life changes concequences. Life was beautiful, but it was also cruel at the same time, and I had no idea if me and Austin could make it through the trials life was about to throw at us. I could only hope we would.

"None of that." Austin mumbled, wrapping his arm tightly around me and pulling me close to him. "No sad faces or stuff, that can wait till later."

"Sorry." I mumbled against his chest before pressing a soft kiss against it.

"Shhhh." I felt him press a light kiss on the top of my head as one of his hands began running through my hair softly, instantly soothing me. "Yesterday was pretty amazing."

"Yeah, it was." I smiled as I thought back to the previous day.


"Aussttiee where we going?" I moaned as he dragged me out of the hut. We'd spent most of the morning there and I was quite enjoying just laying with him, on the new sofa bed we'd put in there as we talked about anything and nothing, with the sounds of the TV show Recess played quitely in the background.

Dear Austin ~Cashby~Where stories live. Discover now