~{Chapter 1}~

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You open your eyes after you had an amazing dream were you met TXT and Soobin was your boyfriend , you wished it was real but while you were daydreaming you hear loud stomping noises coming to your bedroom.The door opens, it's Intak


"I just woke up-" you say before he rudely interrupts

"Go and get dressed." He says

You get out of bed and look what to wear today. It's a special day today because it's your last audition for FNC entertainment so you're a bit nervous but also excited. When you get out of your room after getting dressed Intak tells you,

"We're going early to FNC so you can meet my band members."

"Wow, you are finally letting me meet them." You say

Then you and Intak leave your house and walk to FNC entertainment.
When you arrive there you and Intak go inside and you ask him,

"Am I allowed to be here."

"Yes." He says

You look around the building and you see all sorts of trophies from P1harmony and other groups, then you and Intak go into a room called 'practice room 3'

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