~{Chapter 16}~

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3 years go by and you are really excited because you're going to debut soon but you miss Jiung and Intak you haven't seen them for 3 years. You've been too busy training and you couldn't go to see them. But today your going to see them because you have a day off.
So you leave your dorm and walk to Intak's house. Your a bit nervous to see Intak and Jiung they might of changed.
You are outside of Intak's house waiting for him to answer, you have butterflies in your stomach as he opens the door,

"Y/N!!!" He shouts as he hugs you "I missed you so much."

You go in the house and see a lot of things have changed.

"So when are you going to debut?" He says

"Next week!" You say

"Really!!! I'm so proud of you y/n." He says

You smile your so happy to be back home but you notice that Jiung isn't here,

"Where's Jiung?" You ask Intak

"He's gone back to his parents house because he was sick." He says

"WHAT! Is he okay?" You ask worried about Jiung.

"Yeah he is fine." Intak says

You worry about Jiung but you try to forget and spend time with Intak but you just couldn't stop thinking about him so you ask your brother,
"Can I go see Jiung?"

"I guess you could." Intak says then he gives you the address where Jiung is. You go on the bus, his parents live quite far away so it takes a long time to get there. When you arrive you double check it's the right house, it is so then you knock on the door.

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