~{Chapter 14}~

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After a few hours you and Jiung go home and when you get there you see Intak you think,
"I thought he is staying with Taeyang but I guess he changed his mind."

You go to Intak and hug him.

"You're back so soon?" You ask him

"How do you know?" He looks at you confused.

"I called you but Taeyang picked up and he said you were going to stay there. Why didn't you tell me?" You say

"I'm sorry." He says " I thought you would be happy I left."

"I love you Intak please don't leave again." You say

Jiung comes over,
"Intak, now that you're back do you want to play the game?" He says

"Sure, let's play! y/n do you want to join us?" Intak asks you

"Okay!" You say

You, Intak and Jung play the game for hours until you all fall asleep.
You wake up and you see Jiung fell asleep on you.

"Ahh he is so cute." You say in your head.

You try to pick up your phone without waking up Jiung.
When you finally get your phone you look at the date.
Today is your first day as a trainee but you are not ready so you quickly get up, get dressed and pack all of your clothes in your suitcase.

Intak wakes up and he says,
"What are you doing this early in the morning?"

"It's my first day as a trainee today." You say

"WHAT ?!?!?" He says so loud that Jiung wakes up

"Does this mean I won't be able to see you." Intak says sadly

"Wait what, What is happening?" Jiung says

"I am going to be a trainee Jiung." You say

"So you are leaving :(" He says

"Yes" you say as a tear rolls down your face, you want to be a K-pop idol but you don't want to leave Intak and Jiung.

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