~{Chapter 11}~

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"Jiung, I love you." y/n says to me. I can't explain how I feel I love her and she loves me too. I'm so happy but I wonder what was she talking about with Intak, does he still care about her dating?

"I love you too." I say, I see the smile on y/n's face it's so cute.


"Do you want to go out later?" You ask Jiung

"Yesss." He says, he looks very happy.

Later that day~

"Jiung, are you ready to go?" You ask him because you're going to the mall

"Yes I'm ready, let's go." Jiung says

You and Jiung leave the house and walk to the bus station and Jiung asks you,
"What did Intak tell you this morning? He is acting very different."

"He told me that he is sorry and honestly I was quite surprised he said that I would never except him to say that." You say

The bus then comes and you get on the after a few stops you arrive at the mall and get of the bus.

"So what shop do you want to go to first?" You ask him

"Can we go to the shoes shop pleaseeeee." He says

You don't really want to go but you want to make him happy so you say okay
When you go in Jiung looks around for a while until he finds a shoe and then he shows it to you,

"This will look good on you." He says

You take the shoe and try it on.

"It's nice! But maybe I will need a bigger size." You say

Jiung gets one with a bigger size and you put it on.

"Okay I'll buy it." You say

"No it's okay I'll pay for it." Jiung says as he takes the shoes to go and pay for them

You and Jiung sit down on a bench and then someone comes and takes the shoes Jiung bought for you.
Jiung runs to get the shoes back you can't see him anymore he ran so far away. You get really worried it's been 15 minutes and he hasn't come back or answered any of your calls.

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