~{Chapter 2}~

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Intak opens the door into the room but he doesn't hold the door for you so it almost closes in your face. When you get in you see all of the members practicing a choreography then the music stops and they all come over to you and Intak and then they introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Keeho." The first one says

"Hello I'm Taeyang." The blonde one says as he shakes your hand

"Hey I'm Jiung." You look at this man and think

"How is this man so handsome." Intak pushes you because you were standing there awkwardly looking at him.

"hHi" you say


"Wow, how is that Intak's sister?" You say to yourself because she is so much more prettier than you expected but you cannot have feeling for her because Intak will be mad.


After they all introduced themselves Jiung walked closer to you as the other members went to continue practicing.

"So I heard you're auditioning for FNC!" Jiung says

"Yeah." You say

Then Taeyang comes up to you and he talks to you.

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