~{Chapter 9}~

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You wake up after you hear shooting noises,
"wtf is going on." You look at the time it's 3am and you're so tired but you still go to see what's making that noise.

It was Jiung and he was still playing the game while Intak was sleeping next to him. You sit next to Jiung and say,

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's late."

"Sorry is the game too loud? I'll stop if it is." Jiung says

You want to tell him to stop but you feel like he is really trying to win so you let him play.

"No it's fine." You say.

You are really tired so you fall asleep on Jiung.

You wake up and see Jiung sleeping with you in your bedroom but you're wondering,

"Didn't I fall asleep in the living room?" You go to the living room and you see Intak still sleeping so you make breakfast and you eat then you see Intak woke up and he comes to you.

"Good morning." He says

"Good morning." You say as well

You think it's a bit weird how he doesn't bring up what happened yesterday but it doesn't matter if he forgot it would be really good if he did.

"When you finish come with me to get something from the shop." Intak says

"Okay." You say but he is acting a bit suspicious.

You walk to your room but then Intak says,
"Where are you going?"

"To get changed." You say

"You don't need to, we won't be going for long." He says

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