~{Chapter 8}~

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Later that day you arrive home with Intak and Jiung, they go on the sofa and start playing video games. You didn't want to play so you went to your and sat in your bed and you got your phone and went on to YouTube and watched Jiung edits. You loved it, you couldn't stop watching them until you hear you door open so you hide your phone. It's Jiung

"What are you doing?" He says

"Nothing." You say

"Anyways, me and Intak are going to get something to eat. Do you want to come?" He asks

"No it's okay I'll eat later." You say

When Jiung and Intak leave you're home alone so you watch edits with loud volume and then after a while you hear the door open.

"No I'm in trouble." You think to yourself as you look who's at the door, it's Intak. He leaves my room and slams the door so hard it almost breaks.

20 minutes later you feel hungry so you go to the kitchen and you see Intak looks really angry with you.
You ignore him and make ramyeon and eat. Jiung comes over to the kitchen and says.

"Can I have some." With his mouth wide open waiting for me to give him some. I forgot that Intak was there so I gave him some.

Jiung smiles at you as he goes back to play video games.
After a few hours it started to get late so you got ready for bed but then you see Jiung crying, you go to him and ask,

"Are you okay?"  You start to worry if Intak said anything to him but then he says,
"I keep on losing this stupid game."

You don't know what to say so you just hug him but you hear Intak coming so you run back to your bedroom and continue to watch Jiung edits until you fall asleep.

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