~{Chapter 7}~

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"Intak can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him

"Fine"he responds

Me and Intak walk away where there is no one to hear our conversation.

"Are you still mad?" I ask

"What do you think?" Intak says

"Why don't you want y/n to date?" I say

"I don't want to tell you." He says

"Well Intak I need to tell you something." I tell him

"Go on." He says

"Can I please live with you for a few days I have no where to live." I say

"Fine" he says as he walks away


Jiung comes over to me and he asks,
"Why are you not aloud to date?"

"I can't tell you here." You say then you pull him outside and you two sit on a bench.

"So a few years ago, Intak was in an abusive relationship ship with a girl he managed to break up but it was hard and Intak got really hurt from dating her so he doesn't want that to happen to me." You tell Jiung

Jiung looks at me in shock

"Why has he not told me about this?" He says

"He doesn't want anyone to know, and also please don't tell anyone I told you this." You say

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