That'll Work Part 1

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I admit I was nervous but I suppose it would be bad if I wasn't. I walked down the street, the road full of cars scampering up and down the streets. Trash bags piled almost as high as the shop windows that lined the street. I had my folder from class in my hand as I carefully stepped around people to avoid getting shoved and pushed to the side. I saw the bright pink exterior of the shop I was looking for but I stopped short before reaching it, honestly too nervous to even approach the door wondering if I should just turn around and go home. But I held my breath using the next-stop window to fix a stray hair back into my bun and wipe the lipstick from my teeth. Before I headed inside immediately being intimidated by the racks of explicit images on shirts, the latex and other such intense stuff. A bed in the middle of the shop, graffiti across the walls, and a jukebox in the corner.

A thin woman at the counter in a well-laddered pair of tights, a tight tiny red plaid skirt with cut-outs and chains across it, and a long sleeve shirt with various cut-outs across it, almost platinum blonde hair spiked and sprayed so much so you could smell the hairspray from here.

Immediately I felt so out of place, and I think she knew it.

"Can I help you?" she glared

"Ohh uhhh I'm here to see Malcolm"


"About a job"

"A job? This is my shop" she says

"Ohh well I was-" I began

"Malcolm!" She yelled and a thin man emerged from behind a curtain in leather trousers and a sleeveless white shirt with one of the more... explicit images of two men dressed as cowboys naked from the waist down touching the tip of their cocks together, he had dark hair in tight curls and seemed tried at the meet mention of his own name

"What?" He asks leaning against the doorframe

"A young lady here to see you" she snapped "about a job"

"I'm not offering any jobs?"

"Be that as it may she's stood here"

He then actually looked at me giving me a glance up and down a few times and not seeming overly happy or impressed "And you are?"

"Y/n" I answered "I was told to come today and see you" I explained

He stood blankly a moment before he rubbed his face with one hand and sighed "ohh you're Mark's kid aren't you?" He complained

"He's my stepdad but yes" I nodded

"Fuck" he sighed "I forgot about that"

"Excuse us," she says grabbing him by the ear and taking them both into the corridor I nervously looked around the shop trying to pretend I didn't hear every word of their conversation "What is this about?"

"Christ Viv I forgot alright"

"Forgot what?"

"We've been short the last two months you know that, Mark wouldn't give me the goods"

"So what's that got to do with this chick?"

"I made a deal I'd give his stepdaughter a job and he'd clear the account"

"And you didn't consult me!"

"Kinda hard when you were here and I was there, you'd have kicked my arse if I hadn't come back with your precious product"

"Well we don't have a job for her"

"Don't you think I know that?"

"Then get rid of her"

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