Birthday Surprise Pt.2

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Walking back and forth in your room you let out a shaky breath. How is he handling the members? I really ruined his birthday. Thoughts were there in your mind not letting you sleep peacefully. Of Course, it was your carelessness to not check your dates as you got your periods just on his birthday. You had few more surprises for him, but this thing ruined everything. Cursing your fate, you thought of sleeping again when you heard a knock on your door. Opening the door, you saw your Boyfriend there with same box of cake you bought for him.

" Would you like to cut the cake with me?" Taehyung asked with a smile enough for you to melt. Closing your hung jaw, he entered the room closing the door behind. Putting the cake on the table Taehyung looked at you, "You got your periods? right." He said as you nodded looking down.

 ''Sorry for ruining your day "you said still looking down as he lifted up your chin making you look at him.

 "No worries at all, I really enjoyed the day very well. First concert, then your surprise, and after that some time with members and.... now I am here with you too. But I didn't like it when you ran away from there." Taehyung pouted making you again mumble a sorry while hugging him. "Well, I saw that tattoo on your back" Taehyung said, you pull away from the hug looking up at him.

"What!!" You asked a little surprised; Taehyung wasn't supposed to know but now he knows. 

 Taehyung chuckled and turned you around tracing his long fingers over the black ink on the name embraided on your smooth skin.
" It's beautiful," he whispered, breathing the hot air on your nape sending shivers down the spine. Taehyung turned you around after placing a soft peck over the name.

This time you were facing him with a shy smile." You liked it?" You asked.

"Love it." his response earned a wide smile from your lips. 

"I had one more gift for you ...but we will talk about it later." you whispered the last part making him nod. Although Taehyung knew what you were talking about, he still thought of keeping quiet to not ruin your surprise. 

"So, I guess we should sleep. We can cut the cake later" Taehyung asked a little unsure, but your immediate nod made him smile.

"Made yourself comfortable sir" you professionally acted making him giggle at your action.

Both of you laid on the bed as he was shirtless, now one of his habits to sleep. Both of you cuddled and as soon as you were about slip in your slumber you were disturbed by a knock you thought of ignoring but out of habit Taehyung stood up to see who was there and then it hit you that it's your room not his, you stood up to stop him, but you were late. Taehyung opened the door only to see all his friends standing.

There stood all the members with wide eyes. "I guess I asked you to search for Y/N's room." Jimin said to Namjoon, who looked to be confused with Taehyung's presence, that too shirtless.

 Yoongi smirked seeing you coming from the back. "Care to explain?" Yoongi asked, folding his arm over his chest. There was minute of silence until Y/N whispered something to Taehyung who moved aside a little to let the members in.

"Are you both dating?" Namjoon asked, as soon as he seated himself on one of the couches in your room.

 " Is that even a question?" Suga said.

 "No," Taehyung said, making you as well as everyone in the room a little shocked. Saying that you are upset would be underestimated but you thought to go with his decisions. Everyone looked at you for your reaction and with a heavy heart you nodded with a tight-lipped smile.

Jungkook noticed your change of behavior and tried to change the topic. "So, Y/N is single. Then would you like to go out with me?" Jungkook asked, making your eyes go wide. 

That wasn't my plan, Taehyung thought. Since knowing you are gonna propose to him, he chooses to mention you as his fiancé or wife rather than girlfriend to the members, but things went differently now. "She is not single." Taehyung clarified.

 "Didn't you tell you both aren't dating?" Jimin asked.

" I was going to introduce her in a different manner." Taehyung said, making everyone confused. "I was going to propose" he completed.

If your eyes they could be out on the floor by now showing how shocked, you are getting by each minute. God, save me please from a heart attack. I don't want to die this soon. Looking at your face Hobi burst into laughter. 

"Look how shocked she is," Jin said, chuckling.

"But " he cut you in the middle "I know you were going to propose to me, and I thought of doing the same tomorrow." He accepted making everyone smile as you looked down.

"All shy now." Jimin teased you. 

"See she is all red now," Hobi booted.

As you hide your face in Taehyung's chest making him wrap his arms around you. Everyone enjoyed your state.

"Now, let us spend some time." members nodded and left the room.

Taehyung lifted your face from your chin meeting your eyes as you stared back at him. He pulled you closer to himself as a gasp left your mouth before you could react his lips met yours. You responded to his action, making him smile in the kiss. Breaking down the kiss you looked up at him still being held in his arms.

"Tae" you whispered as he hummed gently swaying your body with his "I don't mind getting engaged with you, but I wasn't going to propose you today." The words halted Taehyung's action making him confuse all over. 

"Then what about the box in your pocket." he asked thinking about where he got the hint from.

"Oh! that box, it was a bracelet I bought for your birthday, you should have open it." Taehyung was surprised a little more than your given surprise he moved a little back in disbelief only to get pulled back by you. "But as I said I do love you; I have no problem to be commited with you." you said pecking his lips again and again to make him forget those useless words.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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