Chapter 2 - So it Begins

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So, Percy was more paranoid. I know she usually takes glance at me before looking away a blushing mess... but these looks were different. The worst part about all this is she woke me up from my sleep alot!

The bathtub was already small, but now a teenage girl crawling over me and trying to force my Titanus features out! This was the closest thing to rape, without it being sexual ever! Okay maybe it was Sexual to her... but still I felt Violated!

School started back up for its final stretch before summer break, and Percy... I could tell started to figure things out.

Her already poor grades were slipping, she wasn't getting much sleep, and she's been more irritable. I dont think it helped that Percy was now with Soggy Scrotum, her step-father.

I felt guilty... like I was partly responsible. I mean I was hiding everything from her and making her question reality. I wanted nothing more then give her a big ol' hug and say everything was okay.

It didn't help that one day me and mom got a letter from school saying 'Percy will not be able to go back next year.' Safe to say she was having a bad time.

It was Currently about 6am. School was out and I was back home with mom.

(Y): "Hey mom, I'm going to see Percy. Do you want me to bring her anything?"

Mom: "Oh. Tell her I love her, and ill see her shortly."

I nod as I put on my sneakers. I had a small bag filled with a few things for her. I would buy her a pizza on my way there.

(Y): "I'll be back later."

Mom: "Okay. Stay safe... and don't destroy anyone!"

(Y): "Don't worry! No humans will be harmmed!"

I walked out the door with a small smile.

Welp time to go see Percy.

-Percy POV.

I was annoyed. Alot of shit was happening and it was confusing!

The only bright side was the breef moments where (Y) visited. Even if he was one of the causes of my stress, he always visited me when I was at my lowest.

He called me earlier saying he was on His way to visit with a huge pizza... God I love him.

With a soft sigh and a prominent blush I sat up from my bed.

I should at least dress a bit nicer the panties and an over-sized hoodie.

I go to my dorm room shower and freshen up and put something a bit nicer on. A crop top and tight jeans. Yes I was trying to seduce, (Y). Shut up.

Wanting to get out of the dorms quickly. I walk through the halls.

Grover: "...Worried about Percy, sir."

I froze... I could hear Grover near by... and my curiosity got the better of me as I decided to eavesdrop.

Grover: "... Alone this summer. I mean, a Kindly One in the school! Now that we know for sure, and they know too-"

Mr. Brunner: "We would only make matters worse by rushing her. We need thr girl to mature more. Plus (Y) is here to protect her."

Grover: "Sir, She saw her."

Mr. Brunner: "Her imagination. The Mist over the students and staff will be enought to convince her of that."

Grover: "Sir, the mist barely hides (Y)'s tail.... I can't fail my duties again... You know what that would mean."

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