Chapter 4 (Part 1) - Classes on Fuck You!

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-(Y) POV

Okay I'm going to be honest... I thought it would take much longer then 12 hours for me to wake up, but here I am.

I was fave first in a pillow... which was goof because laying on my back means destroying my dorsal plates. My arm was also fully healed, so that was good.

I then got up and looked around the room I was in. I could see Mr. Chiron with his backlegs hidden in his wheelchair, reading the newspaper.

(Y): "So... any news on a mini sun randomly appearing or have you been able to keep that under-wraps?"

Chiron looked up to me and smiles.

Chiron: "No one noticed. Although I will say your a good radiation sponge. You left alot of toxic waste with that stunt."

(Y): "Yea sorry, not sorry. Saw my foster Mom disappear into Golden dust after I had a car explode in my face. Just glad I remembered that Mothra laid her egg near by."

Chiron: "Speaking of Mothra..."

A huge thud was heard from near by... a groan escaped my lips.

(Y): "I'll go get that... also is Percy okay?"

Chiron sighs but ultimately nods.

Chiron: "She's fine... one rib was cracked and she broke her arm when the car rolled over. The biggest problem right now is she'd very, very tired."

(Y): "Okay. As long as she's okay... now let me take care of this giant moth."

I walk out of the door and looked around. I was in the big farmhouse. With a sigh I exit the building and I instantly see Mothra I'm the background trying to play in the strawberry fields... trampling alot of crops.

I sigh and let out a roar causing everything to stop.


The massive moth larva despite being so big felt herself shrivel down in shame.

She walked towards me like a dog with there tail between three legs.

Her multiple little feet made a soft thud with each step till she was right next to me.

(Y): "...Your a bit to big, Mothra... can you shrink to something a kin to a dog?"

The larva nods ans shrinks down to the size of a lab. As I smile and give her head pats.

(Y): "Thank you."

I could feel the presence of Grover and... someone else near by... sniffing the air I look to my right... there was nothing there... no wait... invisibility? I can tell that they know they have been caught.

(Y): "Raveal yourself."

And they... well she did. A young woman... probably Percy's age became visible. She had curly blond hair and an... interested expressions.

I couldn't focus on her now though. As I used my Tail to catch Grover who was flying towards me for a hug.

Grover: "My, King! You saved me!"

(Y): "Grover... it's (Y). While I may be a ruler were still friends. Im just lucky I got there when I did..."

Grover: "But, my kin- I mean (Y)! You sacrificed you arm for me!"

I then show him my arm which has grown back as good as new.

(Y): "We both knew it would grow back. I waisted alot of energy on that. I let my anger get the better of me."

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