Motherly Love

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A mysterious note.....

11 years later...........

Joe, a young adventurer was looking for a mystery, an untold story, or even an adventure. A trip that he could take to discover something unknown. He was passionate about books, legends, hidden cultures, stories, treasures, and animals (well all these other than adventure).

So he did something that any young curious kid would do first, make a visit to the library.

"Let's see now.... detective novels, classic legends, great stories foretold, ancient history, Read well- Write better how to write great stories, ......hmm ..." he said as he went through all the books. Nothing much interested him until -- "Woah, this is interesting, Mysteries of the Deep!!"

He picked it up and started to read. It dealt with great expeditions that were taken in the deep waters, titanic expeditions, hidden treasures, and strange creatures of the deep. Now that's something!

He went on to read more and then closed it as he knew it was time to go home. But as he closed it he noticed a slit in the book, as if a page had been folded there. The reality was that there was a price of paper hidden at the back of the book. An article cut out from an old newspaper practically has the whole article along with the date and the newspaper's name.

He read it and found it quite peculiar and he thought it needed to be researched. He asked the librarian if he could keep it for himself (unlike books where you have to borrow and return). The librarian inspected and checked the newspaper section to compare them and see what was cut out from there: "Same newspaper, same date, but no page missing and no page without an article cut. Well, it is peculiar, as it might have been part of an original copy with the ones that followed without it. Someone must have had the original paper, cut it, and forgotten it in the book", said the librarian.

"But wouldn't you have the original", asked Joe.
"I would love to keep the cut-out but I think you can take it ", he said after checking the records of the specific book's entry and exit. "None borrowed it then. The last was a man named Professor Whickle Parker. I recall him as Scientist who a borrowed the book only two years before this article was even published. I don't think I saw him or anyone touch the book since, well, except you"

"I guess you are right judging by the amount of dust on it. Thanks for letting me keep it", said Joe.

"You welcome Joe (My favorite and regular customer) and have a nice clay."

"Mom I'm home".
"Where have you been, boy?" "Oh, just the library Mom", answered Joe. "I felt so bored. So much so, that I just had to look for an interesting book."

"I think all those adventure movies have gotten your head", his mother said. "All you do these days is either watch some good-interesting movie, go to the library to read a good book daydream about a really good adventure story, and write it down in your personal diary. I know you so, I know the contents of the diary. It's not that I opened it and read off but I'd love to read it if what I said is true."

Sarcastically Joe said to his mother" I believe you Mom and yes it's true"

"You are a good student in your class. I wouldn't say a topper, but rather, a bright student - daydreaming, and it's nice to see you take an interest in things like that. But I only want you to promise me that if anything happens; whether a new mystery, you facing a problem, going out, or even on an amazing adventure you will be honest enough to inform me about it. ok?"
"Yes, mom."

Night replaced the evening and the words of his mother struck him again as he remembered the strange article.

So just before we went to bed, he went to his mother and asked, "So, mum.... basically you want me to inform you before I go out on an adventure? And..... you don't mind if I go out adventuring?"

"I'm glad you understood. If adventuring is your passion, your desire, then who am I to stop you? As long as you come home safe and sound, I wouldn't mind, nor would I ask you details about" said his mother.

"Thanks Mom, I'm just glad to hear that in all I do you support

"Anytime my dear child, anytime. "

And off he went to bed but he was only closing his eyes as his mother kissed him goodnight. He didn't sleep nor did he slumber. ' I'm not a baby ', he thought. But what he was destroyed by the constant thought of the article, the scientist, the book, and its connection.

He got up from his bed, went over to his little table, turned on his little lamp, and began reading the paper once more.
"It sure is a mysterious note and an article never seen nor heard of", he thought.
He then remembered his old light under a paper trick where he had to use something like a translucent cardboard place it over two separate piles of books, put his lamp right under it, and if there were any secrets or hidden clues, through the light it would purely be detected.
On trying this he found out that the person who kept it in the book had deliberately made those green markings. It was to hide these few sentences, which by the looks of it, could have been very personal, confidential, or highly secretive.

But why?!?

He wanted to investigate more so he read its contents to see if there was something more to it. It was the narrative of a story, well at least it was written that way.

In the small village of Fastno, there is a lake, where in existence, a creature known to be herbivorous was believed to have been sighted by the Locals.

"Deep in the water, the creature had teeth like the great fish sketnol; and his bodybody, like the great queen of the seas, Megladon," said a local fisherman's son. He continued-
"I love fish and I am a great fan of the creatures of the deep. Both great fishes went extinct from our planet Earth some 3000 years ago.
But the creature I saw hadn't the Characteristics of either of the greats. Some rumors state that this creature existed, or came along the Blacken River, the river that connects to this lake past the mounting. No one knows when or from where he came from. Now it is said to roam at about 100ft. while it resides below 7000ft. deep inside the lake.

Other than this mysterious creature, a scientist named Whickle Parker is studying various animal DNA that can be combined to find a cure for a disease known as Tomatoes. But others have found this experiment illegal and have banned here from continuing his search.

They claim that he is creating such a virus using the DNA sample to create Supper human strength that can be & the cause of the world's destruction.

Although nothing can be said more than this, there are rumors that the Creature's DNA will be the ultimate source of his virus.
Now the creature is still free and yet to be studied further. roams free 7000ft. below the water level but no one is allowed to capture it or get its blood sample.

The secret is that the antidote was created with the help of the virus and has been injected into a young lad named Joe and needs the consent of his Mother. Mr. Parker's one goal right now is to find them and cure this disease once and for all. -Whickle Parker.

He still didn't know what was crossed out and how to solve this mystery. Since there was so much crossed out he looked through the many books he had about fish deep sea secrets, stories, and legends he had on the same and many more. He even referred to the internet to look for a copy of this article, searching many sites for similar stories and descriptions.

Sadly luck didn't favour him, and neither did his great knowledge of the deep waters and aquatic creatures.

'I guess I can try and see if my friend, James knows anything about it when I meet him in school tomorrow. Perhaps he can help me out in solving this mystery.
And with that young Joe went to sleep.

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