Go Camp

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"How much do you know about the old Man's legend?"

Joe and James were one of the few who journeyed to the camp by private transport. (though mentioned not everyone came by private transport). It was quite a journey but they finally reached Nicobari village.
The village of Nicobari as mentioned was once upon a time a lovely and lively village on the banks of Blacken river, that used to be a hill station but for some reason was deserted and now reformed into a lovely campsite. The campsite however is not situated in the ruins of the village but rather a little higher on the hills.
It was a nice and decent place that the locals of the area established. The fisher folk are the only ones who haven't left their village but aren't a problem to the campers. They were greeted by the camp director, Mr Richardson who showed them around the place. The camp has one main house and four lodging rooms all made of wood. There were outdoor activity zones, like archery, sports zones and a kitchen attached to the main house.
Two rooms were used by the girls and the other two by the boys. The Campsite owner and the teachers resided in the main houses. Once assigned their rooms and beds the children were permitted to roam around the place. What caught the attention of the boys was the beautiful landscape the camp had to offer.
"James ain't this place a beauty?"
"Sure is."
"What say you, this good."
"I'd say, you got what you wanted. A nice cool camp, to relax yourself from a whole week's trouble and an adventure to start with."
"I like the way you think about it, but by the trouble you mean the talk about yourself right?"
"You talk too much."
"He does not!" said a girl who was overhearing their conversation.
"Yeah, 'cause he is the talk of the class, the hot topic that is soon to be the talk of the entire town," protested James.
"Oh come on James she didn't mean that way. She just meant that you talk too much yourself," said another girl supporting her friend.
Joe couldn't help but giggle.
"What's so funny?" retorted James "I don't see anything to laugh about!"
"It's just funny 'cause it's true?"
"Hmph", said James accepting defeat.
A whistle was then heard from a distance and all the kids went and assembled near the main stage that was built on the side of the large barren land. It served as an assembly stand where the children put up talent shows, drama skits and Jam sessions. The teachers then called out the names of the students and assigned them in groups or patrols as they would call it. There were a total of five patrols with eight members each. Next held were some icebreakers and some animated games followed by supper and a music jam session to conclude the day.
The Kids arose at dawn with sweet music and the beautiful sounds of nature. A little early morning exercise and everyone was ready for a new day. The morning had a beautiful misty look that gave the place its new day splendour. Once again Joe and James went and sat at the spot they had sat on the previous day but this time, they noticed something new as the mist uncovered over the other side of the river. A small castle in ruins was spotted. It wasn't something a king would have but rather one of his great Lords.
A few more kids gathered around the two to watch the sight "What a strange place," said Dhariya a friend of Joe. "Looks like it hasn't been used for many centuries."
"That my friend, is one of the many forgotten castles of England. At the time of the English colonization here in our country, Lord Ronald George was in charge of this whole district. He built a castle there and resided in Luxury. The people here were treated cruelly and in turn, they struck an attack on the Lord and killed him and his family. It was like only a century ago and it hasn't been used since," explained Sir Ethan.
"Is it haunted?" asked one of the girls.
"Yeah like his ghost will be still roaming on these lands and take you alive for his midnight snack," jokes James.
"Come on James don't frighten them. They are only girls," said Dhariya.
"And besides the good Lord Ronald George might as well kill you for talking bad about him," continued Joe.
"Calm down kids. No one knows about him very much. It's a legend yet to be studied," interrupted their teacher.
The mind of Joe Fernandes, as you know by now is not stable. It is rather curious and one that will not rest until he knows the whole story. As the kids went in for breakfast his mind kept wandering with thoughts, flooding with ideas and questions about the Legend.
To make sure he was answered he sat beside his scoutmaster and kept asking him questions non-stop. "How much do you know about the old man's legend?"
"As much as I need to know," replied the teacher.
"I guess that's what we call little, huh?
"Yes, quite a little. Why? Wait, you got questions, then go ahead."
"Why would Lord George build the Castle specifically there? I mean he could have built it near the village and not isolated like that. He got a good view though but still, it is strange." said Joe.
Though Sir Ethan knew the answers to his questions he was spellbound at the moment. He thought for a while and then said, "I heard that he loved the waters here and wanted to try experimenting with various species at the same time study them. He never made his studies public. It was just a hobby for him. He often went fishing both with his kids and alone along the lake but never went far along the river. I guess he isolated himself like that to get some privacy for his study."
This got Joe a lot more interested in the subject making him eager to go visit the place.
"So the place is now under government property? Has anybody found his study?" Joe asked.
"Joe don't tire sir. It's just morning. There's the whole day they ask questions." interrupted Dhariya.
"It's alright. It's good to ask questions. His heart is hungry for answers. That is something every scout should have. A heart full of questions that will help him grow and be better. In this case, Joe is just curious and wants to know more about the castle's enchanted tales," said Sir Ethan. "Well, I think now it has become private property. A few years ago a scientist went ahead and bought the place I don't know his name, nor do I know if he has been able to find Lord Ronald George's study notes."
"And Joe spoke only to be interrupted by his friend James.
"Sir, I think it's best if you leave Joe to find his answers. It might cause chaos but I think that would be better," said James.
"I don't think that is necessary. Joe, if you don't mind you can store all these questions, and ask him, well, the scientist personally tomorrow when we take a trip to see the castle, deal."
"Then I will make sure he answers every last one of my questions," said Joe.
"Sure you do that." Said James. "While I scavenger around and try some ancient art forms and........"
"No wall painting!!!" said all his classmates in unison.
After a good breakfast came the first event of the camp, Creativity Shining. The theme of the camp was: Save our planet, our home. Therefore this event, based on the theme was a drawing competition on eco-friendly earth.
The kids were given papers and instructed to make a poster presenting the theme. Not all of them had brought along art material so they looked up to the two artists to borrow some. James had brought his whole paint set while he never failed to carry along his spray cans. Joe however was simple in his ways and brought only his essential colour sets. He created one drawing and asked for another paper. The kids wondered what he was up to but didn't ask yet.
The girls took away Joe's colours and used them. Joe did not mind as long as it was all safely returned. To everyone's surprise, within minutes he had proved his creative skills to be unique by making another poster using things lying around the camp including natural resources and other items like plastic and trash. As a way of competition, for this individual participation event, Joe had won fair and square. The teachers were very much impressed and commended him for his great achievement.
The rest of the day was spent learning new rope knots, and lashes and learning how to make gadgets. Later they had lunch and made preparations for their visit to the castle.
"I hope all of you have carried what you need. I advise you all not to carry too much weight in the luggage. It will cause imbalance on the boat, "instructed Sir Fortes. "And do not wear your life jackets."
"But Sir, we know how to swim!" remarked a kid from behind the group.
"I ain't asking. I am telling and giving direct orders. If you wish to disobey you are welcome to stay behind. The waters are more than 10,000 feet deep. No Joke! Surprising I know but it is the beauty of Nature. If you don't, survive in that, it's TA-TA, BYE BYE for you and a whole speech and screaming for us," said Sir Ethan Fortes. "So anybody staying back?"
There was complete silence. The fear of the waters had been sowed in every last one of them. They quietly and formed wore their life jackets and formed a line.
The kids went downhill and sat in the little fishing boats that were available for them to cross the waters.

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