That Troublesome Pest

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"That rodent means trouble."

Joe’s mother was busy cooking when he returned from school.
“Mom”, said Joe.
“Yes, dear.”
“Remember I informed you yesterday that Sir Ethan would keep a scout meeting today?”
“Yes, I remember,” said his mother. “But tell me how was school today.”
“Same as usual. New lessons have started in Science and English and the rest went well. Here is the notice about the camp that is going to take place this weekend.”
His mom went through the paper and said, “So I guess you’re going to some hill station, or specifically something that was once a hill station and you are going by personal transportation. Only I am free on those days. I’m going out”.
“That’s the reason I asked you if I could get my license,” said the young adventurer. “Only I didn’t have a car until you told me that Dad once had one.”
“So you are taking James along with you?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Besides, you have to fix the car before taking it for a spin and I’m sure Uncle Tyler wouldn’t mind helping you boys out till it is all brand new,” reminded his mother.
"I'm sure James, ‘the silver rat’, and Uncle are already working on that, ensured Joe.
"Umm, when did you too see the car?"
"Uh, just now- after school got over."
“How is it?” asked his mother.
"You know I was expecting something more fabulous, but, it looks like any other American ’60s/70's typical classic car,” explained Joe.
"Well it was built during that time being it a1965 model," said his mother.  “It is surely rusty by now but what would you have preferred?”
"My favorite car, DC Avanti”.  
“Sure,” smiled his mother. “Like those cars were available back then."
"I wish."
"Very silly of you to even think that kid.”
Joe recalled the time he spent in Uncle Tyler's garage hearing him explaining the features of the car. Technically the car was German and it had a twin-propeller with a light engine, making it just the right car now (being it an amphicar by both name and features itself). But it puzzled Joe to think it was an Amphicar at all.
“Yes, Joe?”
“Why is the car named Amphicar? Cause Uncle says that car can float on water and that is why it is called so. Is it true and did Dad ever drive it in the water?”
“Well, I do remember a few times when he took it out into the Great Lakes when we were on vacations. And before you ask me anything else, I gotta tell you, Joe, your Dad loved that car and the waters too. We went fishing together and had a whole lot of fun.”
“Was it romantic?” asked Joe playfully.
“Yes Joe, quite romantic.” Joe then let out a little giggle. “Other than that, I don’t remember clearly, but I do recall him sharing with me the fact that he wanted to try and increase the speed of the car and its durability. That is only after asking experts and working hard on it personally with Tyler’s help. Guessing he wanted fast and submersible.”
“Yes submersible as in not only floating on water but also driving in it like an actual submarine, or in this case, an actual amphibian.”
“Did he succeed?”
”That is what I was going to ask you to check because sadly that project was left incomplete and thereby resides with Tyler to finish what he started.”
“Thanks for the info, mom.”
“Anytime son.”

The teenager’s only worry right now was not to verify his mother’s story but rather if what he told his mother was true, that is, if Uncle Tyler and the silver rat were working on that car and not testing its limits at this present hour.
Honestly, the kid was right to get worried about James, as this silver rat, this rodent was getting into trouble, so much so that he was getting on poor Joe’s nerves. Worst of all, now that the car’s speed has increased, Joe, who was supposed to get his license today is awaiting patiently for the car while James, on the other hand, has already taken it out for a spin (without Joe's permission and a driver’s license) and is right now being chased by police.
If you are wondering, why he is being chased, well, the answer to that is quite simple. Tyler the Genius mechanic, has just increased the top speed of the car by changing it from 70 mph to 400mph on land and 7mph to 15mph in water (that could be great; for the car that was once  770 on land by the model, 7mph speed in water and 70mph on land and can now be 415 as explained above if you understood why it was originally called 770).
And if you know traffic rules any better, you'd know by now that driving at the speed of 200mph+ is forbidden to regular cars making it the maximum speed limit on the road and illegal by law to exceed it.
Enough Explanations……
Like I was saying, James was at first cruising down the highway when the thought of going faster passed his mind. And like any human being, he just couldn't resist the temptation. So he hit the gas and started to accelerate rapidly. Vrrooooom!
‘If anyone asked, why I'm speeding so fast I’ll tell them that I was just seeing how fast this baby can go,’ he thought to himself. “Weeeee.”
It wasn't long till he saw the speedometer cross 190mph …… 200mph and still increasing, that he noticed the cops following from behind. He panicked and increased his speed. What in the world was he thinking !!??!!
However fast he went, the cop's soon caught up with him.
“This is the police, Pull Over !!! .......... You are under arrest for going over the speed limit and um ……. driving without a license," screamed the cops on their microphone.
Out of fear, James stated the words he thought to himself earlier. A genius move. He then asked curiously, “But I have a license plate don't I?"
"Real smooth genius. For one, as records state, you are a wanted criminal, by the name of James Periera, aka the Silver Rat! And kid, you don’t have a driver's license yet. Two, your car is missing its license plate,”  said the cop on his microphone again.
Now James was even more afraid. He had no plans of going back to jail again.  His criminal reputation proceeded more than his daily activities at school and elsewhere (which is still a crime, i.e., illegal street art). What will his mother think of him, worse, what will his best friend, Joe think of him? He had already broken his trust by taking the car without asking, and now breaking the law!!
James didn't surrender himself to the cops (which would have been a lot easier, at the same time, safer). He gulped and sped, even more. To the extent of the cops losing track of him.
He drove away to the alleys of the old Lewison XV station, one of his favourite places to hide. Getting out of the car he did the worst thing yet, getting inspired by his old paintings he took out some spray cans from the car boot and commenced painting on the train!!
Suddenly his nightmare came true. The cops out of nowhere pounced out and surrounded him all around. His luck had run out. Nowhere, to go and no chance of escape. And to add to that he was caught red-handed by his worst enemy,  the terror of his dreams his worst nightmare, Sergent Wolfe Hellman, who had a good record of capturing James more than five times doing the same thing. How stupid could he be? But what’s the use, nothing could be done to save him now. His game was up.
"James Pereira I hoped you would stop painting your pretty artworks on public property, but no, you are one stubborn brat ……..,” said Sergeant Wolfe Hellman in his old fashioned deep dark voice, or as James would call it: The Evil Batman voice.
“Uh it's Rat, Sir,” interrupted James.
“Shut it. Brat or Rat, a crime to me is always a crime, kid,” continued the angry Officer. “What’s more, you are under arrest for disobeying the laws, going over the speed limit, driving without a license, and now the painting!”
Young man, you're coming along with us to the police station till we can finally figure out what to do with you,” said Sergeant Wolfe Hellman using his evil Batman voice.
James is right now in trouble, big time and Joe knows nothing at all about it.
Anyway, Joe is ready for his driver's license and enquires Uncle Tyler for the car about taking it for a spin. It had been five hours since James took off with it and Uncle Tyler was completely perplexed when he asked for the car.
“Umm, James came here a few hours ago and asked for the same thing saying that he was going to drop by your place with it, did he?” asked Uncle. “So kid I have no idea where he or the car is right now or where he could have gone.”

"Now what am I gonna do?" asked worried Joe. “Dude! Today is the first and last day I have to get my driver's license test. I'd be doomed if it ain't done 'cause camp is just a few days away and I gotta jet with it.”

"Kid, I get ya drift but I thought you knew that James took it out" said ol’ man Ty.
“Nah Uncle, I had no clue about it. Man, that no good troublesome kid, that thieving rat!!”
"I just hope he ain't gotten into any trouble for it, you know, without license and alone,” said Tyler.
"Man, I sure do hope the same. But what do we do till he gets back? Man, I need to get my license now or never!" said anxious Joe.
"I don't know what to tell you, man. There is however one way out you can get that license, that is if only you could help me with two favours. "
“Really, what is it."
"For one you could take that Mahindra Scorpio N, I just fixed for a spin. I know the car is going to be checked so just start by saying you are using a borrowed car, do the test and if anyone else asks for more details (which is probably bound to happen) just say that Uncle Tyler at Max Motors Garage just fixed it. My car wasn't available so I took this with his advice and permission and later you can drop the car at this address with these same words," said Uncle Tyler handing over a small piece of paper to Joe.
Joe read it and then was off for the test. On arriving he found his instructor, a tall guy with brown hair, well-trimmed and well dressed waiting for him in the parking lot, or as they call it, the training ground.  Joe got out and introduced himself to him.
“Uhh,... hi.. my name is Joe Fernandes and I'm here for the driver's licence test."
"Ahh, yes. My name is Victor Hamilton and I'm going to be your instructor for today. So let's get started,” said the kind and jolly instructor. “I suppose  you have brought your vehicle for the test which I believe, should be that Scorpio N and that to be your dad……….” Said the instructor before he froze seeing the sight of Uncle Tyler drove young Joe to the training school.
“Umm yes but that’s my uncle there. Dad ain't around and mom is a housewife and a teacher,” said Joe. "And that is a borrowed car"
A weird feeling started to stir inside Mr Victor and you could tell by the expression on his face nevertheless, Joe got in the driver's seat while Mr. Victor at the passenger seat. Joe at first felt uncomfortable but Uncle Tyler’s smile made him forget everything
  "Right-turn …….. K-turn ………. U-turn…….. Park …. and …..  stop,”. said the instructor.
After a moment of silence, impatient Joe sprang up, “So…  did I pass the test?"
“A little is remaining before I give you your grades. Could you please step outside the vehicle?”
"uhh... sure.”
Mr Victor took a moment to scan in and out of the car to check for any device or anything that could be considered a means for cheating. He also checked the engine. When he was done he moved over to where Joe was standing.
"Whose car is this?" he asked.
“Umm my uncle Tyler there,” he answered pointing at Uncle Tyler. “He, at Max Motors Garage finished fixing it and he needed to test it so he thought of driving me over to the license test and letting me try it since my car wasn't available. However, I don't know whose it is but I do know where he stays," said Joe handing down the sheet of paper Uncle Tyler had given him with the owner's address.
"Golly, then I was right all along. That, right there, is my car," said Mr Victor Hamilton.
"Wait, your car! You are the owner of that car? asked Joe surprisingly. “Is it True Uncle Tyler?”
“Yep. I didn't realize it until you started the test. You did well kid."
"I'm too impressed. For keeping my car in good condition both before and during the test, you get a full A+ …….  Yeah you passed,” said Mr Victor.
"I'm really happy right now," said Joe rejoicing
"So do you need a ride home or what?" asked Mr Victor
"If you are willing then, surely we'd love a ride back home," said Uncle Tyler
He was just about to finish his sentence when a police car drove in and stopped in front of them.  Out of the car came the big man Sargent Wolfe Hellman.
He looked at Joe in a very distressed state.
"Joe Fernandes, yet again we meet. I come bearing, well none other than bad news for you.”  He said.
"Please don't,"  said Joe. "The last thing I need now is to hear that James got into trouble, Again!!!”
“Umm, that’s the reason why I am here. Kid I just gotta say,  you better be careful of the friends you keep. The more he gets into trouble, that troublesome pest, the more hard it is going to be for you. You’re the only person he got and his weary mom and it is by the looks of it, it’s going very hard for the two of you.”  said the concerned office. You gotta come with me down to the station and figure out this mess.”
“You got that right", said disappointed Joe.
"I'll get your paperwork done. You go on ahead,”  said Uncle Tyler
"Man that rodent means nothing but trouble.”

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