part 7

802 20 3

Ryaan took Riva's answer sheet in his hand and sat on the chair beside her

Riva was so scared as there is only ryaan and her at the room

Ryaan started checking the answer and riha was putting her head low this whole time

Finally ryaan done checking

Ryaan was looking a bit angry after checking the paper

Raayan told
So you got 1/30
and I am sure that one mark you got it by mistake not cz you know it
(Calm but a lil angry)

*Silent*(she flinched by hearing his voice)

I don't care how you studied in ur old school nor how you behaved
But if you've decided to do the same here it won't work .
Am I clear??

Riva-nodded with her teary eyes

Rayaan-i need words riva (scared)

Rayaan- so in this school there are some rules everyone has to follow
1.everyone has to pay attention in class
2. Complete the notebooks
3. Do hw in time
4. Maintain notebook correctly without any mistakes
5. Behave properly
6.obey elders
And mainly
7.score the mark a child need to score to not get punished is 98% in all subjects

As I know how bad you are at studies after this test you have to study daily for 5 hours other than school

And the next exam is just 2 weeks apart and if you don't score above 50% you gonna get punished hardly

I hope mom already told about the punishment room

As your teacher I would be punishing you there and as your brother I will be giving you the same punishment maybe even more at home too

I have set it 50% just cz you are new to school and the exams here are a bit tough for your level
But gradually I will be increasing the percentage

And if you don't complete your work in time nor disobey any of us then you would be severely punished

You have to call me and three of us sir/mam when you are in class

And mainly don't even dare to get into fights the consequences will not be something you could bare with

Is it clear??(scary)

Riva was controlling her tears this whole time

Suddenly ryaan asked her if he is clear

(She didn't reply due to fear)

Ryaan - slamming on the table with his much time should I have to tell you Riva to respond
I asked you something
(shout and angry)

Riva- Riva couldn't control her tears anymore..she bursts into tears

And said
I-i a-m s-owy
C-an i-i pls g-o bac-k to m-om
(Shuttering while crying hard)

Ryaan felt bad after seeing her in this condition

He went near Riva and told
'hey,it's ok..calm down'
While patting her head

Riva- Pl-ss c-an I g-o se-ee m-mom

Ryaan-No you can't stop saying this againa and again (calm)

Riva-(started crying again more harder)

Rayaan- sshh don't cry (hugged her)

Riva felt so warmth in his hug and calmed down after the hug

Rayaan broke the hug

Rayaan-why you want to go home?are you scared here?(normal)

Rayaan-of me?or the rules?or the punishments? (Calm)

Riva-*no response

Rayan- don't test my patience I need reply when I ask you something..this is the last warning

Riva- So..r..ryy(looking down and scared)

Rayaan- now say

Riva-of a..l..ll

Rayaan-look Riva you don't have to be scared of rules and punishment you just have to follow those rules then no one would punish you
And about me I am your brother hm?
Don't be scared ok? I am doing this for your own gud. Just follow the rules ok?
I won't do anything to you
If anything happens or if anything's bothering you always come to me ok?
I am always there for you
(Calm and loving)


Rayaan- hm..then can we go home?


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