part 9

754 24 10

At Ryaan's office room

Ryaan-So as you know you are gonna be in 2nd grade this year . I know you failed grade 1 so it's gonna be a little tough for you

In school I will be teaching you maths, Aaron will teach you science and Eva will teach you English

Before starting there are some rules when I'm teaching you
1.You need to give your 100% concentration
2. Do the works I ask you to do without delay
3. Incase of any doubts you have to ask me immediately and I will clear it

At the end of teaching each topic we'll be asking you questions if you don't answer then you would be punished
So it's better to ask doubts and stay focused

I will be giving your schedule tomorrow morning

Riva-*she got scared by the rules and gulped when she heard they will punish her if she don't answer

She nodded*

Ryaan- So,let's start with maths
For the coming exam you have 5 chapters in maths
The first chapter is based on multiplication.

So inorder to know multiplication firstly you should know what is addition.

Do you know it?

Riva-*head lowered

Ryaan - let me get the ruler


Ryaan- Riva how many times I have told you to reply back in words when I ask you something (cold)

Riva-Sorry (scared)🥺

Ryaan- show me you hands

Riva-Hided her hands behind her

Ryaan-*slap*(on her thigh with the steel ruler)
Don't dare to disobey me again

Riva-(eyes are filled with tears)
In mind ,
I am so scared to stay here
I don't have anyone who loves me here
God, pls send me back to my mom

Ryaan- what sorry? Call me sir when I am teaching you..not just me Evaand Aaron too?
Did you get it?(lil shout and angry)

Riva-Y..yes..  Ye..s

Ryaan-Now show me your hands

Riva-(damn scared)
Placed her palm in front of ryaan

Rayaan-*slap (not hard)as she obeyed him.

Riva-oww 😭🥺

Rayaan-Alright!now say do you know addition?

Rayaan-what no(cold)
(It's pretty awkward to call our own brother as sir)

Ryaan-alright I will teach you


Rayaan-so now pay attention to what I am teaching we'll start with addition

Started his lecture...
Explained her everything calmly
Time passed*
So this is how addition is done
Any doubts?

Riva-No a..sir

Rayaan-so I'll be giving you four questions and you need to answer that if you get any one wrong you will get to face the consequences

Riva-(gulpped)yes sir

Rayaan-(give her four questions)
So these are the questions and I'll be giving you 10 minutes to answer

Rayaan said this I am started scrolling his phone

Times skips after 10 minutes*

Rayaan-okay I hope you are done now show me the answers

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