part 16

714 25 11


Rayaan- face the wall now!(angry)

Riva-(slowly went near the wall facing rayaan)

Rayaan-Riva face the wall (scary)

Riva-(sob)o-ppa I-i be-g you pls don't (sob) beat me with belt (pleading rayaan)

Rayaan-should I repeat myself Riva?
(Hella angry)

Riva-faced the wall (extremely scared)

Rayaan-Now place your hands on the wall

Riva-(placed her small hands on the wall)

Riva-(placed her small hands on the wall)

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(Guys imagine this as her)

Rayaan was about to tell something but Riva intrupted

Riva-(turned to face rayaan again ashe is so scared now) O-ppa I beg y-you pls don't hut me with th-that I w-will be g-good p-promise (sob)

Rayaan-(his heart felt a little ache after seeing her in this condition but decided to maintain his cold face)
Riva , turn back (calm but angry)
Don't make me double your punishment

Riva turned*

Rayaan- So tell me what all rules you broke

Riva- I didn't study(sob)
I told lies (teary eyes)
I disob-obyed you 🥺
I was being stubborn (sob)

Rayaan-hm (cold)
So didn't I told you I would punish you if you even broke a single rule?(angry)

Riva-y-yes (crying hard)

Rayaan-So I will start now(scary)
Don't try to turn back or move
I swear if you did that then you would be punished 10 times more (angry)


Rayaan-*hard slap* on her thigh

Riva - owww*(sat down immediately on floor due to pain and started sobbing and crying hard)

Rayaan also felt sad after seeing this

Rayaan-Riva, getup (cold) helping her standup to face the wall*
Don't make it hard for you (calm)

Riva-O..oppa plse it-its hurting a lot pl..plse 🥺 (crying really hard)

Rayaan ignored*

Rayaan - I will give you 20 hits with the belt and if you dare to move then I will double it . Am I clear ?

Riva - nodded*

Rayaan-very very hard slap on her back*
(Shout and angry)

Riva - (started crying really hard and started rubbing her back she couldn't breathe)

Rayaan-(now he felt bad)

Rayaan-stand up

Riva-(stood up as she didn't wanted to disobey him) . (Crying really hard and covering her back with her small hands and faced the wall)

Rayaan-Will you repeat this again?

Riva-N-no (sob) I-i won't
I-i am so-sorry (couldn't breathe but managed say this somehow) go back to dining room and Eva will feed you the milk.
If you repeat this then next time don't expect me to be lineant to you like now
Am I clear?


Rayaan-now come

She went with him to the dining room

Eva was there and started to  comfort her . But she didn't blame rayaan as she knew if it wasn't her then he would have not spared them . She was surprised to see him without completing his punishment for the first time

Rayaan left as he couldn't see her in this condition

Eva fed her the milk without any tantrums she drink it

Eva-take some rest ok?sleep for sometime you'll be fine

She took her to Rayaan's room as she always sleeps there

Eva left*

Riva pov
I feel so alone here . Nobody likes me . It's hurting so much. Why oppa is like this 🥺. Does he hate me that much . But I shouldn't have said like that to him before..
She couldn't sleep due to fear as she is afraid that rayaan would again slap while she is sleeping

Time skips*

She still didn't sleep and was sitting on the bed sadly covering her face

Rayaan was sitting on balcony regretting slapping his sister this hardly and feeling bad about how could he be like this to his own sister

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Rayaan was sitting on balcony regretting slapping his sister this hardly and feeling bad about how could he be like this to his own sister

At 8pm*

Rayaan went to his rrom to see riva as Eva told him she's there

Rayaan went and saw Riva sitting there like this crying hard
Rayaan went near sat near her and backhugged her(this was the first time he properly hugged her in last 5 years)

She flinched after getting to know it was rayaan

Rayaan-riva?are you ok (sweet)(emotional)


Rayaan- Is it still hurting?


Rayaan-I'm sorry baby (emotional)
It's gonna be fine hm?

Riva-(felt little happy after seeing him being nice to hear)
I am sorr-y oppa (pout)


Riva-for shouting at you(sad pout)

Rayaan-its ok (smile)
Placed her on his lap*(that too for first time)

Rayaan-Rivaa (sweet)

Riva-(puppy yes) Y..yes 🥺

Rayaan -dont be scared hm?oppa's here (hugs her)

Riva nodded*(happy)

Rayaan-i will take you to mom tmrw hm? You can stay there for one day.
Dayafter tomorrow afternoon I will pick you . You can stay there for one day .


Rayaan -yea

Riva (so happy): tqu oppa

But don't expect this every weekend

Riva:hm (pout)

Rayaan:(smiles)now sleep hm? wakeup tmrw mrng early to complete all your works so that you can go there around 10am


Rayaan-Rivaa(fake angry)

Riva-Y..yes op-pa I'll s-owy 😔

Rayaan: alright ,now sleep

They both went to sleep*

That's it for this part
Give your suggestions about how you want this story to be

Hope you'll liked it 💞

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