part 5

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Last part
Eva was asking where's Riva

Mom- Riva comeout (sweet)

Riva pov
I was hiding behind my mom when I saw rayaan coming from the corridor
When mom asked me to come out I slowly came in front of them looking at my feet as I am scared to face him(ryaan)
And I heard Aaron sir is very strict too..
So I was scared

Eva-when I saw Riva came out I can see how much scared she was
I felt sad for her..I also saw ryaan being emotional but also he was completely ignoring Riva and was only concentrating on his mom
To make Riva cheerup I asked her
What's your name baby? (Even tho ryaan told me her name before)

Riva- R..ivv..aa (shuttering)
She was so scared and finally managed to say her name

Eva- awww

Aaron - which class you gonna be this year? (Calm)

Riva was so scared to answer this as she knew Aaron is also strict

Riva- T..twoo (she said in low scared but a little audible voice)


Ryaan was quiet this whole time and didn't even looked at her when she came out
(Ofcourse he is also mad at her after knowing what all she did but still he was so happy as he met her after so long)

Mom- So I'll get going as I have some urgent work to do
After hearing this Riva felt a Lil pain in her small heart

And holded her mom's hand tightly

Ryaan noticed this and told to his mom
Ok mom I will send you off till the car

Mom - ok 🥰
But I Am sad as I am gonna live apart from Riva for the first time
I hugged her and said bye and was about to leave when she said

Riva- mom when will you come again
(With teary eyes)

Mom- without giving any reply to this she said be a good girl baby

Riva-mom pls don't go mom pls 🥺
(Tears fell from her eyes)

Mom- bye Rivaa
Riva's mom went from there and ryaan followed her
Meanwhile Eva took Riva to staffroom and made her calm down

Near the car*
Mom- Ryaan as I said before you know about her health and she won't take her medicines on time nor eat her food
Also she is becoming a rebel and is very back in her studies (worried)

Ryaan- don't worry mom I can manage that her tantrums won't work here

Mom - I know that you are seeing her after long time but don't be lineant she wont obey you when you become lineant and will take advantage

Ryaan- I know mom..dw

Mom-take good care of yourself and her
Bye rayaan (smiles and emotional)

Ryaan - bye mom (smile)🥺

After sending off his mom ryaan went to staffroom to see riva

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