part 14

668 25 6

6 qm
Rayaan: Riva wakeup(normal)

Riva: no response*

Rayaan:(hard slap on her arms)


Rayaan -now wakeup(cold)

Riva:(wokeup as she dont have any other option)

Rayaan-go to study room and revise for today's test I have to leave school early so I will be leaving now..
Eva will help you get ready

Riva:okk..k (scared)

Rayaan:don't cause any troubles and study well(calm)


*Riva left to study room

7 am

Rayaan:(started going to school and wore this)

Rayaan:(started going to school and wore this)

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Riva also got ready

Eva and Aaron dropped her at her class

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Eva and Aaron dropped her at her class

9 am
Test began

Aaron entered the class(science professor)

Class: good morning sir(stands)



Aaron: So i'll be distributing the papers now . All the best and don't try to cheat
You'll know the consequences (by pressing the last word)

Riva -(forgot whatever she learnt by now due to fear)

Aaron distributed the papers

Riva pov
When oppa distributed the papers and it was my turn to receive the paper when I saw the questions I got extremely panic as I don't even know answer to a single question. I forgot everything. God pls help me . I can't bare anymore punishment 🙂

As it was mcqs Riva chose 1 option and marked it for every answer

Time skips*
Aaron collected the answersheets

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