part 15

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Riva got inside class crying*

Aaron gave a smile to her as she got back to her seat just to make her feel safe

Guys Riva just got 10 hard strokes from cane as punishment . Which is a common punishment gives in lois school for things like not answering the question or stuffs like that . Ryaan was actually being nice to Riva by not giving her the punishment he give to others.
But our sensitive Riva already made a crying mess . Maybe Ryaan wouldn't have even punished her this much if she opened the mouth and told the actual reason which made him angry.


Aaron lecture finished and be rang and now school was over

Aaron dropped Riva with Eva as he had some work to do

Riva is extremely scared of rayaan now .
Also she is mad at him for using cane at her . And she was also mad that rayaan is being so strict with her and nobody is there for her here

Guys just imagine your day with just studies , no talking to parents, in a different place , always getting scolded and punished , no tv , no chocolate, no snacks only healthy food no friends , no one to pamper you
So it was a bit too much for our little riva .

Usually after school she is seated at staffroom as ryaan is given in her schedule to do her homework there till 4 pm.

Eva and Riva is now at staffroom near Eva's table.

Eva-i heard ryaan punished you today, you ok?

Riva - nodded*(teary eyes){as she is still not over it}

Eva- hm.. don't worry (sweet)
Come, I will take you to Rayaan as it's ur hw time

Riva- unnie(teary eyes)


Riva-i do..nt want to go th-ere(sob)

Eva-why?are you scared?

Riva-nodded*(teary eyes)

Eva-don't be scared child . He is no more mad at you (sweet)
Now come.

Riva-(nodded)very scared*

Eva took here near Rayaan's cabin
He was scrolling his phone
When rayaan heard Eva calling him he saw Riva there with her puffy eyes(it's clear that she cried hard)

Eva-Rayaan Riva's here (smile)
I'll be heading home now

Rayaan-ok(slight smile)

Rayaan then saw Riva there being scared*

Rayaan-Sit (cold)

Riva:(sat there as she didn't wanted to make him more mad at her)

Rayaan- now take your maths, science and English notes(cold)


Rayaan-start with your English HW tell me when you are done


Rayaan-gave a tight slap on her arms
(Which was very hard for our small Riva)
Didn't I told you last time that it was your last warning? Use your words Riva

Riva:So-rr-y s-sir(sob)(crying)

Rayaan-start now(angry)


She started writing and finished with the hw without any mistakes .

Aaron, Rayaan and Riva went home*

They reached home



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Now it was time for Riva to drink her milk

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Now it was time for Riva to drink her milk

Rayaan sat beside her in dining table

Rayaan sat beside her in dining table

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Rayaan-drink this milk(cold)

Riva-i don't want it(rude+scared)
As she was mad at him for punishing her.

Rayaan-huh?drink this without making me punish you twice

Riva-I don't want it!(stubborn)

Rayaan-riva, I am warning you
If you don't drink this then I will punish you very hard I swear (angry but calm)

Riva- I am not going to drink this (scared+stubborn)

Rayaan-alright you have crossed the limits. Now I know how to make you drink this

Riva- (scared)

Dragged her into his room

Dragged her into his room

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Took out his belt*

Riva now got extremely scared and started shivering due to fear 🙂

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Riva now got extremely scared and started shivering due to fear 🙂

Rayaan-Go face the wall(angry)

Riva-O-ppa I am s-orry
Pls (sob) don't hi-t me wi-th it
Pl-s I-i am s-orry (crying hard)

Rayaan-dont worsen your punishment (scary)

Riva -(unwilling went near wall facing rayaan)

Rayaan -Turn (cold)

Riva got so scared and started crying so hard as no one is there tosave her now and ryaan also is so angry now

That's it for this part guys
Tomorrow my school is reopening so I can't post today night
From tomorrow I will posting 1 part each on everyday

Pls comment your suggestions and how you want the next part to be

Hope you'll liked it ❤️

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