part 11

702 17 4

They'll went to staffroom

Riva was so scared as it's her first day
That too without mom and with this Hitler oppa

Eva- Riva, all the best for your first a good girl ok?
Unnie will be taking your second lecture


Eva left as she was having class at
grade 1*

Ryaan - Riva look I have kept your textbooks in this row and notebook here

When teachers come take the books and texts according as soon as they enter

You need to wish them..I mean us when we enter the class
Don't get into any good to everyone.

And be a good girl ok?

Riva- nodded*

Ryaan- I need words(strict)

Riva-Yes o-oppa

Ryaan - I am taking your first lecture which is maths..come let's go it's time

Ryaan started to get things for his first lecture and started to go
Meanwhile Riva was standing there without moving

Ryaan-What are you waiting for huh?

Riva-Eyes filled with tears

Ryaan-(sigh)what's this new drama about
*Goes near her*
What happened?(cold)

Riva- ****

Ryaan - Rivaa say! We are already late (angry)

Riva- I don..t w..anna


Riva- I am scared

Rayaan-of what? To go to class?


Rayaan-its normal to feel nervous on first day now come

Riva-pls oppa (puppy eyes+teary face)

Rayaan- seems like you need to taste the ruler in morning itself (sarcastic)

Rayaan- Do I have to repeat myself?

Riva- S..owwy I'll come 🥺

Rayaan- hm come
(Held her bag on one hand and her hand on his other hand)

They reached the classroom

Riva saw the classroom from outsideShe saw them very disciplined even tho teacher isn't insideWhich made her gulp

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Riva saw the classroom from outside
She saw them very disciplined even tho teacher isn't inside
Which made her gulp

Rayaan (outside the classroom)
I am not that kind of teacher whom you saw on your first STD
Not just me the three of us

We are so strict to them

So don't panic after seeing how we behave to them in class ok?(cold)

And don't worry I will be taking youwith me after my lecture as it's your first day

All the best (smile)


Ryaan entered the classroom

Riva noticed how the whole class got into a pin drop silence and were scared as soon as oppa entered

Which made her gulp in fear

Then ryaan asked Riva to sit on the front bench pointing a seat to her

She sat there

Everyone wished him goodmorning while standing

Ryaan told them to sit coldly

Ryaan-so she is the new student here
Her name is Riva .
Let's start with the class he said

Started teaching and riva found a boy talking with another boy while ryaan was teaching

Ryaan noticed it

That boy's name was Ivan

Ryaan-(shout)wht you think you are doing huh
Come here he told to Ivan

Ivan-(so scared)
Went near ryaan*
I am sorry sir*(scared)

Ryaan - you should be

Ryaan went near the cupboard and took a long stick there

Ryaan-come here(shout+very scary)

Riva was so scared after seeing him brother this angry

Ivan went near him

Ryaan held Ivana right hand and gave Ivan 10 hard slap on his thigh which made him fell on floor .
His thighs had cane marks
And he was crying so hard

Ryaan-never ever talk in my class?
Do you get it?

Ivan-Y..yes sir (scared+crying)

Ryaan-i am not sending you to the punishment room as this is the first time

Now go back to your seat (shout)

Everyone in class was so scared after seeing this but they weren't shocked as this is not new in Ryaan's lecture
But our poor Riva was hella scared

Ryaan continued with the lecture and after finishing it
He started to ask everyone questions on that topic
Except 1 girl (nena) everyone else answered
He asked that girl to come to punishment room after the lecture 🙂

Then ryaan gave them homeworks
As the bell rang his lecture was over

He asked me to come with him
I went near him

And we both left to staffroom

Riva's fear for ryaan has now so badly increased

After reaching staffroom,

That's All for this part
Comment down ur opinions

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